Are Your Yorkie Dogs Shy and Shy?


Keeping toy dogs, such as Yorkie dogs, as pets is a delight for most dog owners and their family members. But what if you have a shy and shy one? Will you still be happy? This fear-based behavioral characteristic is more common in toy dog ​​breeds. However, the facts show that for every litter, there is at least one puppy that will need to be treated a little differently from the rest of the puppies due to this behavior.

When this behavior continues, these shy puppies can grow up extremely needy and can always turn to their owners for support in almost every situation they encounter. And when this behavior becomes a habit, your dog may start to initiate aggression if he doesn’t get the relaxing attention he needs. This behavior could be labeled fear-induced aggression.

While you pet and soothe your Yorkie puppy whenever he shows a feeling of extreme shyness and fear, you are not helping him after all, you are just reinforcing the behavior. It can be difficult and heartbreaking to ignore your puppy when he’s shy and scared, but ignoring him is one of the ways to help him change his behavior and help him become a bold, social animal with acceptable behaviors.

Patience is virtue, as many people say. Yorkie dogs that are shy and timid need to be patiently handled when you really want to help them adjust. Don’t be too quick to change your dog into a social animal. The behaviors you are used to doing when you are scared will need to stop. These behaviors include barking while hiding behind legs when startled, and shooting out whenever he sees a normal part of the outside, such as a person walking.

Here are some helpful tips to help your puppy become less shy:

1. Explain your puppy’s situation to your family and friends. Help them understand that ignoring their fear-induced barking or crying is just their way of helping you overcome fear and shyness. . Up to this point, your dog has acted out of fear whenever someone approaches and when these people naturally stop the approach; your dog has learned that this behavior is in his favor. However, from now on, your dog will begin to understand that fear-induced barking will no longer work as long as his friends and family respect his training wishes.

2. Make sure to keep your puppy on a leash every time you expect visitors to come home. If possible, take your dog with you at all times, especially when approaching guests. What makes him different is that when he starts crying, barking or hiding behind your legs, you will now act confidently and without stroking or calming him down. This technique will help Yorkie dogs to be more courageous while also teaching them that their old behavior will no longer work.

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