Critical Thinking: Is Humanity In A Battle Between Good And Evil?


As a result of what is currently happening in the United States and around the world, several people believe that now is a time when it is good vs. evil or light against darkness. Some of these people are religious and some are spiritual, but they will have more or less the same perspective.

Furthermore, most of these people may believe that good will triumph over evil or that light will dispel darkness. They can see themselves as being on one side and certain people as being on the other side.

The solution

With this in mind, certain people will have to be treated in some way, and if this does not happen, most of humanity will suffer. So while this will be the real world, it will be very similar to a Hollywood movie.

There will be those who are good and those who are bad, this being something very black and white. Because of how clear this is, if someone doesn’t know what’s going on, it won’t be difficult for them to catch up.

The great awakening

What is also going to be important, then, is that those who are ‘awake’ wake up like many people who are ‘asleep’. By informing the unaware, it will be easier for all the good to prevail.

These people can do this by talking to the people in their life about what is happening and sharing information on the different platforms that are available online. Naturally, if you have a great platform, you will have the ability to “wake up” a lot of people to what is happening.

A closer look

Now even though this looks like a very black and white thing, what if it has a lot more nuances than this? What if those who see themselves as ‘good’ are playing a role in the ‘bad’ that is ‘out there’?

If someone who sees themselves as ‘good’ or ‘awake’ were to hear this, they could dismiss what has been said and make it clear that they are nothing like those people who are ‘evil’. This will likely illustrate that one sees himself as nothing more than an observer of his reality.

Two parts

Also, they have likely created an identity in which they are well and awake, and anything that goes against this one-dimensional view of themselves will be rejected and blocked by their mind. However, while they are likely to see themselves as a mere observer of what is happening “out there”, this will be nothing more than an illusion.

Your ego-mind, together with your eyes, will create the impression that you are separate from everyone and everything. In terms of the identity they have formed, this can prevent them from coming into contact with the “dark” and “negative” parts of themselves.

A reflection

Being attached to your ego-mind, absorbed by what your eyes tell you and caught up in the identity that you have created, you will not be able to see that you are playing a role in what you see ‘out there. ‘. In other words, you will not realize that you are co-creating your reality and what is happening on the planet as a whole.

What you see “out there” will be the result of what is going on in your conscious and unconscious mind. In other words, what is stored in their own consciousness will shape their life, and what is stored in this part of them, and in the consciousness of all others, will feed into the collective consciousness and this will be the cause of what that is happening externally.

A signal

Instead of believing that they are conscious and that this is why they can see what is happening, they can see what role they play in what is happening. As if they did not participate in what is happening, it would not be part of their experience.

It is not about blaming or shaming yourself; it is about taking a step back from what is happening “out there” and tune in to yourself. At this time, they may have a number of defenses that will prevent them from connecting with what they need to recognize within themselves.

A long-term solution

If they, along with others, overlook the role they are playing, seeing themselves as “good” or “awake” and purely fighting what is happening externally, it is almost certain that they will inflate their ego. This approach might even allow them to deal with many of the “bad” people who are “out there.”

The problem is that this outcome is likely to be short-lived, as they, along with others, will not have cleared their own conscience and will not have accepted their own ‘darkness’, which means that sooner or later this scenario will disappear. . play again. Another thing to keep in mind is that what resists is what will persist and grow, so when one concentrates on fighting ‘evil’, rather than being precisely what they want to experience the most, they will. indirectly feed into this unwanted reality.

Final thoughts

The good vs. The dynamics of evil can be seen as a reflection of duality and therefore ego consciousness. When you identify with this part of your being, you will naturally see yourself as ‘good’ and be ready to do something about the ‘bad’ that is ‘out there’.

By stepping back from this part of them, seeing how it works, and realizing that they themselves are made up of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ parts, it will allow them to get to the root of what is happening and be on neutral ground. You will see that the main way to change what is happening externally is to recognize and integrate the parts of yourself that are co-creating the problems that are ‘out there’.

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