Five of the best foods for perimenopause

Health Fitness

Food has the power to heal. With the right diet and exercise plan, you can overcome many of the ailments that plague our culture today.

Treatment of severe perimenopausal symptoms is no different. You will find a number of foods that can help treat your body and balance your hormones without the help of synthetic drugs.

Below is my list of the top five foods for perimenopause.

Top Five Foods for Perimenopause

# 1. Salmon.

Salmon is rich in Omega 3 fats and proteins, which are beneficial during the perimenopausal years. Omega 3 not only helps control those nasty hot flashes, it also improves your mood and supports brain health. Protein from fish and meat increases the body’s production of progesterone, balancing your hormones.

Try to avoid Atlantic farm-raised salmon as it contains PCBs and other chemicals. Wild Pacific salmon or organic salmon is your best option and provides the most benefits.

# 2. Flaxseed.

Also rich in omega 3 fats and protein, as well as fiber and antioxidants, flaxseed helps relieve intestinal problems and fights the dominance of estrogen.

Flax also contains something called lignans. Lignans are a type of phytoestrogen that has the power to block xenoestrogens found in our environment. These xenoestrogen toxins contribute to estrogen dominance and aggravate perimenopausal symptoms. Lignans also help balance the overall estrogen levels in your body and are great for breast health.

Add flax seed oil as a dressing to your salad and sprinkle ground or whole flax seeds in your yogurt, smoothies, granola, or salads.

# 3. Broccoli.

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables like kale, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts contain a phytonutrient called indole-3-carbinol- (or I3C). Studies are still being done on I3C, but researchers believe that it may help prevent cancer. I3C also promotes liver detoxification and helps the body burn fat. Because it helps to block the toxic estrogen found in our environment, I3C can promote hormonal balance in the body.

But there are still other benefits to adding more broccoli to your diet. Broccoli, along with broccoli seeds, fenugreek, cauliflower, and fresh parsley, help decrease the amount of aromatase in the body. Aromatase is an enzyme, if in excess, that can produce too much estrogen in the body. Eating aromatase inhibitors like broccoli can help reduce estrogen dominance and ease severe perimenopausal symptoms.

Eat broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables raw, lightly steamed, or fermented. You can also find a good quality I3C supplement to take.

# 4. Eggs.

Egg yolks are rich in healthy fat and protein, all you need to promote the production of progesterone and DHEA in the body.

Don’t buy into the notion that eating fat will make you fat. The opposite is actually true. Healthy fats boost your metabolism and help you feel full for longer periods of time. Sugar, trans fats, and hydrogenated oils are your real enemies in weight loss. If you are looking to lose a few pounds, avoid those foods at all costs.

The saturated fats and fats found in eggs help build cell membranes, reduce inflammation, and aid the body in the production of hormones. Exactly what you need during your perimenopausal years.

# 5. Pomegranates

A powerhouse when it comes to fighting estrogen dominance, pomegranate seeds can block toxic estrogen in the body by up to 80%. Also great for breast health, pomegranates can prevent certain types of breast cancer cells from multiplying. Add them to your yogurt and smoothies.

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