Game over? Not anymore!

Shopping Product Reviews

Video games have been condemned by almost every parent and news organization around the world, claims like it increases violence in children, wastes time, causes vision problems, and many other claims. Some of these claims may be true, but this does not negate the fact that video games have many benefits. First, before I get into the benefits, let me mention the age range you play video games and see what kinds of problems these people may encounter and how video games can help solve them. From what I have seen in my own experiences and listening to others, the age group that plays video games could start from 9 years old to the late 40’s. This is a very large age group, and each group has its own problems and problems, from addictions (smoking, drugs, and alcohol) to the stress of day-to-day activities, which I think is a flaw in most age groups. Well, after doing some research, I found out that a very easy and cheap cure compared to drugs is video games. Based on research conducted at various universities, video games could help reduce stress, improve weight loss and social status, I will give a brief synopsis on each benefit.

These days stress and depression are known to be the “disease of the century,” where prescription pills reached 2008 market sales of nearly $ 11 billion ( and I don’t know. I would be surprised if this sales volume at least doubled until 2012, but unfortunately I don’t have this volume. Of course, some cases can only be treated with prescription drugs, but I am sure that many cases could be solved with video games alone. Studies have shown that video games have the same effect as antidepressant medications on the part of the brain that produces dopamine, which is responsible for the mood swings that occur after taking antidepressant medications. Now you get the same result and without the addictive side effects of these drugs. Being engrossed in a game can distract your mind from all pain and discomfort, which can help your brain develop a tolerance for pain much easier; Hospitals are beginning to encourage children to play video games after suffering a painful injury.

As for video game consoles such as the Nintendo Wii and the Microsoft Xbox 360, they have taken video games to a new level, where the user does not stay on the couch and seems like the stereotype of a lazy gamer; but it has committed the user to get up, move and jump to win and be able to play. These consoles have become very popular and the demand for more active games has increased daily. Now, many of the games for these consoles are aimed at exercise routines and deviate from the typical “game over” style games, it is an exercise that could be done on a daily basis and a motivator for people who have time constraints to do. exercise. the gym or sports club.

Some people face some problems making new friends and some lack the social skills to be part of a group. But in the vast world of online gaming, these problems no longer exist. You can join any network and instantly play online with your friends and new ones. You don’t have to be handsome or charming, you just need to know how to play and the rest will follow. From my own experience, I have made friends through gaming networks all over the world, people I would never have met except online and would never have had the connection we have today unless we were playing these games. The concept is not to be online, but before we say a word to each other, we already have something in common that we like to play this exact game; so you already have a minor base in your friendship.

Finally, due to the word limit, I couldn’t talk about all the other benefits that come from playing video games, but I’m sure people will start to realize the importance of these games in a child’s education and if they are controlled they could improve your life. significantly.

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