How mother nature can lower your electricity bills


Every month you probably pay $150 to $200 to the electric company, and sometimes more if you own a large home. You may think this is inevitable unless you want all the food in your fridge to spoil, but it’s not. There are cheap and easy ways to drastically reduce your electricity bill without changing your lifestyle. You can produce some or all of the electricity your home uses.

If you produce electricity yourself, your home can use it instead of buying it from the power company, which usually charges a fair amount for it. Every kilowatt hour you produce is a kilowatt hour you don’t have to buy, and there are several ways to generate electricity.

The first way is solar panels. They are expensive when you buy them ready-made and ready to install at the store, but you can build them much cheaper. You can build a solar panel for less than two hundred dollars with materials purchased at your local home improvement or hardware store. In some cases, materials can be recovered from broken items, scrap, and unfinished projects. Some people can salvage everything needed to build a Solar Power Unit for nothing, and if you can do this, you’ll get a Solar Power Unit for just the cost of the blueprints.

If you live in a windy area, you can build a windmill. This is another type of power generator that can also be made for less than two hundred dollars. Both are decorative and useful. Some people are setting up a battery bank to collect the excess power they don’t use and use it later. This gives them a safety net and allows them to turn off their electric service, leaving them with no electric bill to pay.

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