Midgets Lives Matter

Arts Entertainments

A group of dwarves has been getting uneasy lately about the “BLM” “campaign” and wanted to form a group of protesters under the name “Midgets Lives Matter”.

However, the protesters think very “little” of little people. So the “little” known “MLM” has been funding elementary school kids to protest with the dwarves. This has not worked because the children wanted money and not cookies, which they were promised.

Of course, this move is “little potatoes” compared to “BLM.” “Our group is ‘shrinking’.” said, Tinee Short, founder of the MLM organization. “We try to get the attention of the police by committing crimes, resist arrest so that the police try to shoot us. But we are so small that they keep disappearing.” We also sing in peaceful protest: “We are going to see El Mago and” Over the Rainbow “, but nobody pays attention to us. We are funded by the” Yellow Brick Road Society “but they have cut us” cold “. By” Judy Garland and Toto Fan Club “.

Short said: “We plan to go across the country to spread our ‘little’ message, but we want it to grow. We don’t want it to go ‘over our heads,’ but we have to be heard.” He continued: “We get mad when we walk into a popular restaurant like McDonalds and the clerk ‘looks down on us’ and says,’ Do the kids want ‘Happy Meal’? Do you want us to increase the size of your meal? “

These restaurants just want to harass us. They’ve really gotten away with shows to poke fun at us with the song ‘The Big Gulp’ and the song ‘Super-Size Me’. “

“Mr. Lollipop”, who didn’t want us to use his real name, is another MLM proponent who said, “The public sees us the wrong way. They look down and come to the conclusion that we live like dwarfs on set. from “The Wizard of Oz”. We do not live in a fairyland like “Munckinland” where we wear bright, colorful and stupid costumes. We do not sing and dance with fake and sugary landscapes. We do not live under fake vegetation, like flowers. We live in ghettos, trailers and shoddy houses. The few who have made a living as dwarfs sold their souls to the tall people of Hollywood. “

Lollipop continued: “We get up in the morning, we work, we have families, some of which are big. We even get married and have children, like tall people.”

The MLM president, called “Sledgehammer” (not his real name) responded to our interview: “This is how God made us. He created tall people too. But we are forever indebted to the Lord, we were not made shorter. “.

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