The secret of my success

Arts Entertainments

In Latin, the word means “to dare.”

This word is so important to your success and it is a common word.
attribute of the most successful people in the world.

Who are you asking?

Donald Trump, Tiger Woods, Meg Whitman and Steve Jobs
and tons of others.

Do you want more?

it’s okay.

Warren Buffet, Derek Jeter, Julia Roberts and others.

Let me tell you why I am sharing this point with you today.
and why it can help you quickly achieve your goals and dreams.

I just finished a book called ‘Against The Gods’.

It was a good book, but a little over my head. It was
about science, statistics and math, interesting, but
It is not a ‘must read’.

Let me share with you the subtitle of the book and why
It called my attention.

The subtitle is: The Remarkable History of Risk

Yes, RISK.

The word RISK in Latin means ‘to dare’ and here it is
my challenge for you this week.

Are you ready?

Seriously, just keep reading if you’re ready to SAY YES
and ACT.

Ok go on.

First, one of my early mentors shared with me a quote that I have
always kept by my side because he is so powerful. (write this down

‘Nothing great has been accomplished without
stretching you.



But even more important is the RISK of the job and here’s why.

This week is a call for you to go BEYOND everything you have.
done in the past.

This week is a call for risk, more importantly, to DARE.

Dare to strive, dare to live up to your best
potential, dare to be more powerful, dare to be stronger,
Dare to unleash your greatness.

This is your challenge.

It’s not complex, but hey, if you can follow your
life will change incredibly.

*** You have to do ONE THING every day this week
that you don’t want to do.


Because YOU only grow up doing the things you don’t want to do.

Dare to go against everyone’s natural tendency to procrastinate
until tomorrow’.


Ask yourself:

What is 1 thing I don’t want to do today, but if I did,
would it move my life and / or my business forward?

Then write it down and GET STARTED today.

You can be bigger than you EVER imagined and start with
dare and risk being more.

Remember, progress is always about getting past the awkward
to natural.

We always feel uncomfortable before we feel comfortable.

Feel uncomfortable and NEVER give up on yourself or your dreams.

I BELIEVE in your greatness.

Make your move.

Talk to you soon.

Mike litman

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