You are perfect as you are!

Digital Marketing

We were born perfect, however as we grew up surrounded by others, we were taught that we are not perfect just because we do things that make us human. We grew up in a society that was judged for its humanity, as a result, society judges each other for its perfect humanity. If we thought more deeply about the phrase “No one is perfect”, we would realize that we are borrowing a phrase from Christian religious beliefs. I guarantee you that most of the people who use that phrase are very much against organized religion and its limiting beliefs.

The fact of life is that we are all born perfect. There is nothing wrong with you. Is there room to grow within ourselves? Always, but that is up to us. Fortunately, there are others who have paved the way for us. We can seek encouragement and guidance from the life stories of those who have paved the way for us. Then we can use our life stories to motivate ourselves and inspire others.

We tend to be our own worst critic. We are much harder on ourselves than others on us. It is because of that harsh inner critic that we cannot do the things that we are passionate about. We believe that we are not good enough, we will not measure up to this or that who has been doing what they are doing for decades. Of course, you are not going to be as good as everyone else in one day. Bill Gates did not amass his fortune and success in one day. No, it started from the bottom like everyone else. But tell the truth. How many of you are still upset about not investing in Microsoft in the eighties? I’d say me, but I was just a baby at the time. Les Brown, Oprah, Tony Robbins, Guy Kawasaki, Michael Bloomberg, and the great Kahuna Warren Buffet all started at ground zero and worked their way up to who they are today. The bottom line here is that they all started.

The same happen with us. If we don’t start, there is no way we will achieve what we want to do. If you feel that you are not perfect and what you want to do is not perfect, then guess what, you will never become perfect at what you want to do. If you feel that by the time you make a fortune you will be too old to enjoy, then guess what, you will grow old regardless of whether you start now or not. If you feel like others will laugh at you because you are not perfect at what you are doing, then listen, you will give up your life because of someone else. Also, in biblical times, Noah was laughed at for building the Ark, but he built it anyway and the flood came.

I think if we examined our beliefs about not being perfect so that we could not do anything, we would realize that those beliefs do not even belong to us. Those are regurgitated beliefs that have no real basis in your reality. If you take a fish out of the water and tell it to climb a tree, that fish will believe for the rest of its life that it is incompetent. Put that fish back in the water and it will return to its element. You think you are not perfect because you are not in your element. You are doing something that the Society has told you, either directly or indirectly, that you should be doing this or that thing and if you don’t, then you are a failure. There is a saying that goes, “When climbing the ladder of success, make sure you are not leaning against someone else’s wall.” So stop beating yourself up thinking who you are for wanting to do something you love. Even if you don’t get the external success that society glorifies, you have benefited from taking that first step. It will even give you more confidence to try something else or even to perfect what didn’t work.

There are no failures in life. Every path you have traveled, everything you have done up to this point in your life, has benefited you in some way. Not all success has to do with monetary gain. There is the inner satisfaction, the confidence building, the joys you will find along the way, and the wonderful people you will meet. All of that comes together to create a win / win situation and a wonderful life full of excitement, pleasure and a novelty in life.

You’re going to have dark days and when you do, take some time to rest. Save whatever for when you feel stronger. Every day, get up and even if it is for 10-15 minutes, do something that you enjoy. Put on some of your favorite music, get up and dance if you can to let your creativity flow. It will also help boost your levels of serotonin, the brain chemical responsible for your dark or light moods.

When you start to believe, feel, know and see yourself as perfect, you will stop getting frustrated thinking and believing that there is something outside of you that you need to do or acquire in order to be seen as perfect and successful for the Society to do. believe in who you are. Society does not control nor should it govern your internal life or your life in general. You are your teacher and CEO. You are the director and producer of the movie of your life. Yes, there are days when you need to take a break from production and get back to the basics of life, which is loving and enjoying life’s blessings.

Going back to the simplicity of living and being will help you to be at peace with yourself and to become one with yourself. It is that tranquility that will take you to greater heights. The interesting thing about reaching that peaceful place within yourself is that you are not doing it in order to acquire external fame, success and monetary wealth. However, those things can come to you as a result of you turning around and being at peace with yourself. You will now be centered and grounded and the Universe will start to bring you things when you least expect it.

In his book, “Live your dreams“Said Les Brown,” In times of scarcity, strengthen your heart. In times of great financial resources, align your bank account. “If you are going through difficult financial times now, then now is the time to strengthen your heart. So when you are ready for great financial resources, not just your bank account thank you, you will be centered, grounded, and ready to handle all the rich blessings that pour over you.


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