10 ways to keep your skin healthy and glowing


Beauty, as they say, is only a matter of skin, but healthy skin is not only beauty. Here are 10 ways to keep your skin healthy and glowing.

1. Avoid long showers with boiling water

Instead, take shorter, cooler showers. Long showers dry out the skin and rob it of its protective oils. Therefore, do not exceed 10 minutes with warm water.

2. Put some aloe vera gel

Daily spread a little aloe vera gel on the dry areas of your skin. Aloe vera acids attack dead skin cells and speed up the healing process. Prepare a product to use or cut the tip of an aloe leaf and split it to take the gel and spread it on dry areas.

3. Put garlic in any dish

In 1996, a Danish study showed that cultured skin cells treated with garlic had a lifespan seven times longer than those that had not been subjected to this treatment. They also looked more youthful and healthy than others. Furthermore, garlic extracts strongly inhibit the growth of skin cancer cells.

4. Drink a lot of orange juice

Orange juice is a rich source of vitamin C, essential for the manufacture of collagen, which helps keep skin smooth and fresh. Guava, kiwi, and red bell pepper are also good sources of vitamin C.

5. A day of exfoliation

Scrub with a loofah to get rid of dandruff and other hairs of dead skin. Under the shower, rub in small circles on the irregularities and scales of the skin to remove dead cells.

6. Take a multivitamin

Several nutrients are vital for healthy skin, including vitamins A, B, and C. To get your dose, the safest way is to eat healthy and take vitamin supplements.

7. Hands off!

Your hands touch many things, and these are true collectors of dust and germs. By rubbing your eyes, scratching your cheek, or leaning your chin, your hands contaminate your face.

8. Change your moisturizer according to the season

Each season has its moisturizer. When you take off your winter coat, take a powerful moisturizer with you, and when you put on a t-shirt, use a lighter moisturizer.

9. Avoid excess oil

Mattifies the skin of your face by powdering it to remove excess oil. Do not use the compacted powder as it contains oil.

10. Choose your products well

In cosmetics, keep it simple, especially if you have sensitive skin. Avoid products that contain the dye and fragrance, and those that are labeled “antibacterial.”

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