7 essential nutrients

Lifestyle Fashion

There are 7 essential nutrients that sustain human life. Here is a list of those 7 nutrients and the role they play in your body and in your life. Here’s how or where you can get these 7 essential nutrients.

1) Water – is the body’s most basic need. Without water you would die in a few days. It is important not to ignore your thirst. You should never try to reduce your fluid intake, you should actually aim to drink the recommended 8 8-ounce glasses of water every day. It is even more important if you are trying to lose weight. Also, drinking that much water is very good for your skin and can make you look younger.

2) Carbohydrates: Provides fuel to meet energy needs. Complex carbohydrates, or starches, are found in many plant foods such as grains, potatoes, and rice. Carbohydrates should be 55 to 60 percent of your diet.

3) Protein – made up of amino acids, it is essential for the growth and maintenance of body tissues, blood cells, hormones and enzymes. The best source of protein is meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Vegetables, grains, fruits, legumes, seeds and nuts contain lesser amounts. Ten to 15 percent of your daily calorie intake should be from protein.

4) Fiber – is a non-digestible carbohydrate and is very important for overall health. There are two types insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber acids in the digestive process: can help prevent hemorrhoids and can also protect against cancer of the lower basin. Sources include brown rice, brains, whole grains, and broccoli. Soluble fiber is believed to help lower cholesterol and therefore reduce the risk of heart and arterial disease. It is found in oats, peas, beans, root vegetables, and citrus fruits. The recommended fiber intake is 20 g to 35 g per day from different sources.

5) Fat: It is essential as an energy reserve, to insulate the body against rapid heat loss, to help produce hormones, to cushion vital organs such as the liver and kidneys, and to aid in the absorption of certain vitamins. Fat shouldn’t make up more than 30 percent of the diet, but many people eat more. There are two main types of fat: saturated (predominant fat in vegetable oils). Fried and sugary foods that are high in saturated fat should be avoided as they offer little nutritional value. On the other hand, unsaturated fats, especially the monounsaturated fats in olive oil, may help protect against heart disease.

6) Vitamins – are organic compounds, essential for the growth, function, maintenance and repair of the body. They are classified into two groups, water soluble and fat soluble. Water-soluble vitamins, including the B-complex group and the C vitamins, must be replenished daily because they are not stored in the body’s tissues. Fat-soluble vitamins, including A, D, E and K, are stored in the body for long periods of time, so excessive intake can be harmful, a balanced diet including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and grains should provide all the vitamins the body needs.

7) Minerals: they are essential inorganic compounds that help the production of energy and the maintenance of the body, as well as the control of the reactions and reflexes of the body. There are three groups; macrominerals, electrolytes (a subgroup of macrominerals), and microelements or trace elements. The macromineral, magnesium and calcium, require n larger amounts. The body needs trace elements: chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, magnesium and molybdenum, selenium, sulfur and zinc – in small quantities. A diet that includes a wide range of plant and animal products should provide all the minerals essential for health.

Year essential nutrients it is a nutrient required for normal body function that cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be obtained from a dietary source. Some categories of essential nutrients include vitamins, dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, and essential amino acids.

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