8 Coffee Myths Solved


If you’re looking for a coffee van for sale, chances are you’re interested in running your own business, which is relatively self-contained and won’t require you to work all hours of the day. It’s the perfect choice for someone like you, but it may not be for everyone. However, something that is for everyone is coffee.

There are a lot of things we think we know about the drink, but they may not necessarily be true. So, take a break from searching for a coffee van for sale and read up on some facts about that delicious beverage. Some of them might even surprise you!

coffee gives you energy

Caffeine gives a temporary boost to the areas of the brain that control memory and focus. While it doesn’t give you energy as such, it can block the receptors that tell your body that you’re tired, allowing you to feel more awake for longer.

Coffee consumption causes hypertension

No. While it is true that drinking coffee causes a small increase in blood pressure, this is only temporary. To officially have hypertension or high blood pressure, your blood pressure reading will be noticeably high on two separate occasions.

Coffee can help you lose weight

We have bad news. Caffeine boosts your metabolism a bit, but in the long run it has no impact on weight. In the same way that your body gets used to the buzz that caffeine seems to produce, your super-fast metabolism benefits will only be short-term until your body gets used to the new chemicals. Forgiveness!

There is more caffeine in espresso than in other types of coffee.

Getting out of bed is hard even if you love your job. Even when you’ve bought a coffee van for sale, you’ll still need a little help getting up in the morning. But should it be espresso? Espresso is a more concentrated shot of coffee than instant, but because it is also a smaller cup. While the caffeine ratios are higher, there is less caffeine in a shot of espresso than there is in something like a latte, which typically has a double shot.

coffee sobers you up

Coffee wakes you up a bit, but it won’t get you drunk or help with a hangover. If you’ve gone a little too far, you’ll just have to wait for your body to process the alcohol on its own, which takes about an hour per unit.

You can use less coffee if it is more finely ground.

Mean coffee shops and naughty coffee vans for sale might think this is acceptable. it is not. The less coffee used, the weaker the coffee will be. However, you can make the same amount of coffee taste a bit richer by grinding it finer.

You can tell how fresh the coffee is by looking at the beans

Oh no. Different ways of roasting coffee and different beans have a different appearance. Some roasts can look very dry, while others look oilier. They could have been toasted on the same day. You can only tell how fresh your coffee is by roasting it yourself at home or by looking for the “roasted in” dates on packages.

Organic or fair trade coffee is of higher quality

There are no guarantees that organic or fair trade coffee will be of higher quality than those that are not certified. Of course, they will be more expensive. You’ll only get your favorite coffee through trial and error, but recommendations are a good way to start.

Are there any other coffee facts you want to prove or disprove before investing in a coffee van for sale?

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