A bent penis can affect sex life

Arts Entertainments

“Wow!” That’s the ideal response when a man presents his erect penis to his partner for the first time, along with options like “Yes!” And pretty! “A man may be a little doubtful about his penis if it does not meet perceived standards of beauty and desirability, and that can often be the case with a man with a significantly bent penis. Often, a very Bent signifies a special penile health problem and, for many men, it can have psychological ramifications and affect their sex lives and relationships.

peyronie’s disease

Don’t get the wrong idea: it is not at all unusual for an erect penis to have a certain curvature, tilting slightly to the left or right or tilting slightly up or down. But with Peyronie’s disease, the bent penis bends so much as to create difficulties and is often accompanied by pain as well.

Named after the doctor who first described it to the medical world, Peyronie’s disease is estimated to affect about 9 percent of men, although the exact figure is difficult to determine. Very often, the bent penis in this situation is caused by some kind of trauma to the penis. It can be a major trauma, such as being punched to the penis, or it can be the result of repeated small trauma, such as rough handling during sex.

When trauma occurs, the penis needs to heal. And as it does so, it covers the damaged area with a thin layer of scar tissue, which is thicker and less flexible than normal penile tissue. If the scar tissue is thick enough, it can affect the penis’s ability to stretch and grow during the erection phase. When this happens, the affected side reaches a certain point and does not grow any further, causing the penis to curve in that direction.

Sex life

This can sometimes cause pain each time the penis becomes erect and can be so bent that penetrative sex becomes difficult or impossible. This clearly has an impact on a man’s sex life. Additionally, there is a higher incidence of erectile dysfunction and loss of sexual desire associated with Peyronie’s disease. There may be physical reasons for this association, but it is also likely that both problems stem from psychological reactions to having a severely bent penis. A man may feel so self-conscious or worried or ashamed of his bent penis that his psychological concerns lead him to have less confidence and less interest in sex.

This, in turn, can lead a man to feel less inclined to seek sex, or it can cause him to withdraw or withdraw in those relationships in which he is already involved. As a result, you may feel more isolated, which can exacerbate the negative feelings you are already experiencing.

Men with Peyronie’s disease should see a doctor to discuss possible treatment options to alleviate the problem. If the bent penis situation is having a negative impact on your sex life, and especially if the problem seems more psychological and emotional than purely physical, then you should consider consulting a mental health professional. This will allow the man to learn what steps he can take to better cope with the emotional challenges associated with Peyronie’s disease, as well as how he can better handle relationship problems.

A bent penis can create enough trouble for a man’s sex life, so you don’t need any additional penile health issues to worry about. Daily use of a superior oil for penis health (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil , which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin) can help to better maintain the overall health of the penis. It is ideal for selecting an oil with a wide range of important vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, the oil should include alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the delicate skin of the penis by fighting oxidative stress . .

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