Benefits of Live Streaming Culinary Skills on Social Media Platforms

Digital Marketing

Live streaming has become a new disruptive frontier in the world of content sharing. Live streaming events allow multiple people from around the world to connect and watch an event in real time. In the past, the ability to connect with a large audience in real time was reserved solely and especially for the big brands and those who had the money to afford it. However, in recent times more and more streaming platforms have emerged that make it possible for more and more people to get involved in live streaming at little or no cost. Millennials in general digest most of their content from their mobile phones and are largely big fans of live streaming.

Cooking connects people in many ways. The process of creating food from mere ingredients has been a concept that has excited many for years, many people are passionate and ardent fans of cooking shows and more and more people are developing an interest in streaming video streaming of your favorite cooking shows online. The rise of live streaming has opened a new frontier for exploring cooking shows. Here are some of the benefits of cooking skills from livestream on social media:

Drive engagement in real time

One of the main disadvantages of simply making a video and posting it online is the fact that while the video is running, there is little to no audience engagement. It’s really about creating what you ‘THINK’ the audience will like, posting it online and hoping they will. However, when you broadcast culinary skills on social media, you have the advantage of being able to interact directly with your audience. During most livestream cooking shows, there is usually a comment section that allows the audience to make observations and contributions as the classes unfold, as opposed to simply uploading a video online. When culinary skills are streamed online, you give your audience an interactive experience where they are not only digesting a video, but have something to say about how the video is being created.

More focus

The live streaming cooking skills give the viewer a kind of urgency. One blink and you could miss an important detail mentioned by the chef, a little distraction and you could get lost when the chef put in his ‘secret ingredient’. Most people who watch the cooking live stream tend to be more focused and less likely to get distracted, this makes it easier to convey all the information shared in the video to the audience.

Real time monitoring

Most streaming platforms allow you to monitor engagement, there is usually a place that gives you information on how many people are watching that live stream at the time and if there is an increase or decrease in viewers. When you are Live streaming events Being able to monitor audience movements can help you gain better insights into audience behavior.

Leverage on multiple platforms

A few years ago, if you wanted to broadcast a show live on multiple channels at the same time, you would have had to pay a lot of money to do it. However, with the advent of live streaming on social media, you can now broadcast your culinary skills on multiple platforms and reach more people than you would if you had broadcast on a single platform.

There has been a massive increase in the number of chefs, cooks and even ordinary people who have taken to social media to show off their culinary skills, the benefits are numerous and worth the price paid to be able to reach so many people.

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