Caveat! What’s in your kitchen that could be causing cancer?

Lifestyle Fashion

The first thing you have to do when you are diagnosed with cancer or any disease is to start building your immune system. Little did I know that most of the items in my house were toxic to me and my family. Processed foods, foods with additives, foods laced with pesticides and herbicides were part of my daily diet.

So the first thing to do is go through your kitchen and purge it of all the stuff that is loaded with chemicals, preservatives, and sugar. Sugar is the number one item that needs to be replaced in your kitchen. Sugar is like a lighter fluid for cancer and disease and is found in virtually everything we consume today.

Stevia is a good substitute for sugar and can be found in most health food stores. However, my favorite is Sweet Perfection made with chicory root. It is 100% sugar free, contains fiber and tastes just like sugar. It also ranks zero on the glycemic index and is suitable for diabetics.

In addition to purging the sugar, I highly recommend using organic vegetables over conventional ones. Today, vegetables are sprayed with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. With sprays come more sprays because vegetables become more resistant to pesticides and herbicides, requiring stronger chemicals.

In fact, they have modified our seed to be Roundup ready. In the past, crops were killed by the herbicide Roundup. Now they can spray strong herbicides and the crops can withstand the harsh chemicals. If you can’t buy all of your vegetables organic, I would recommend at least buying root vegetables like potatoes and onions, as they absorb the most chemicals.

Another important purge and substitution is conventional chicken for free range chicken. Most of today’s chickens are full of antibiotics and hormones, which are known to cause cancer. In addition to the hormones and antibiotics the chickens receive, they are also fed large amounts of corn because it is cheap food. God never intended for chickens to eat only corn. Chickens are omnivores; they eat meat, insects, worms, plants, seeds, and grains as long as they can roam freely and find these things.

Free range chickens also provide good nutritionally dense eggs. It would be wise not to choose vegetarian eggs. We get much of our protein from the worms, insects, and meat that chickens eat. Some labels are very misleading. You can buy chicken labeled organic at the grocery store, and if you do your research, you’ll find that the chicken is being fed GMO (genetically modified organism) feed.

Also, if an egg is a vegetarian egg, that means the chicken was kept in a place where it can’t have access to fresh air to consume what a chicken would normally eat. Please don’t be fooled by cage-free labels. It simply means that the chickens are kept in overcrowded rooms, sitting on their own fecal matter with no sunlight, which is considered factory farming.

In my opinion, there is no other option than free range chickens, where the chickens are allowed to roam free from cages and eat off the land. The same applies to the beef we eat. It is best to eat grass-fed beef from cows that are grazed.

Another very important replacement in your kitchen is the replacement of vegetable oil with coconut oil. The molecular structure of coconut oil does not change when heated, unlike most oils. It is good for many things, like helping your immune system, your heart, your skin, and it speeds up your metabolism allowing you to lose weight and giving you more energy.

Linda Kuhney

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