Do you have a good dentist?


Most of us dread the thought of going to the dentist for a checkup. Sometimes we choose to endure the pain instead of seeing our dentist. For some of us, even the “smell” of a dental office can create unnecessary apprehension. These reactions are probably caused by a previous bad experience or an unfounded fear of dental procedures. Finding a good dentist is important to minimize these fears and anxieties, but how will you know if your dentist is a good dentist? Most of us usually stick with the dentist that our family had for years without even realizing that we have many options if we know how to tell a good dentist from a bad one. Do you know if they treat you properly? Probably not, as this is not always obvious.

How do you choose your dentist? Dentists must possess the necessary technical skills. You may not be able to accurately judge a dentist’s acumen, but you can often tell the difference between good dentistry and bad. A good dentist occasionally stops by during a lengthy dental procedure, such as probing or drilling. This will give you some time to relax and rest your jaw. After any dental work is done, you should check the following and see if your dentist has done a good job.

1. Your gums should not bleed and you should feel your bite slip into its natural occlusion.
2. If you had a filling, no filling should trap your tongue, interfere with flossing, or trap food particles and plaque.

A well-done silver filling should last at least 10 years depending on its size and location, while crowns and bridges should last even longer. A dentist who makes temporary fillings one after the other instead of directly making a permanent restoration is probably treating more patients than she can really accommodate. This also means that he doesn’t have enough time to focus particularly on his problems or it could also mean that the more you come back for treatment, the more income you generate for him.

Your dentist should discuss the options with you. Dentistry presents more alternative treatments compared to medicine. A single affected tooth may receive not just one form of dental treatment, but several possible cures. Your dentist should be able to discuss the different options with you. Also, your dentist should be concerned about your limits. Different individuals have different levels of pain tolerance and you should be able to adequately address that concern with an appropriate anesthetic or sedative if deemed necessary. If you are concerned about how much you are going to spend on dental work, you should ask your dentist and never hesitate to ask for a written estimate of the proposed dental treatment. This should include the estimated cost and how long the procedure will take. After completing dental treatment, they should be able to provide you with an itemized bill.

Some dentists can be overzealous to the point of being annoying. Be aware that sometimes these types of practitioners are probably engaging in suspicious practices. It will be wise to start looking for a new dentist if your dentist does the following:

1. Convince you to replace all of your silver amalgam fillings to protect you from the dangers of mercury vapors released by amalgam fillings when you chew food. Much evidence shows that amalgam fillings are relatively safe to use.

2. You want to place crowns on several teeth that are not even necessary. You should seek a second opinion if you have doubts about your proposal.

3. Makes you care about your appearance so I can propose some cosmetic dental procedures.

Finding a good dentist who can provide you with the right care and services and who deserves your trust is easy if you know what to look for.

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