Homes for sale: how to prepare the property for the market


Preparing homes for sale is a difficult task. Still, there are certain things you can do to make your residence more attractive. No other things can be done without paying an unreasonable amount to the contractors. You need to be realistic about what projects you can tackle and which ones will really add value to the property.

Changes inside

There are many ways to prepare homes for sale. Start by making your home as clean as possible. You’ll want to scrub hard floors and steam clean carpets. Dust all ceiling fans, and if you have pets, make sure their area is spotless.

Bathrooms are great selling points. You want your china to shine and you want to make sure things like shower curtains and rods look good. If those kinds of smaller items look messed up, they may need to be replaced. You can also consider replacing the toilet seat. Whenever possible, make sure trash cans are empty before someone comes to see the house.

Don’t be afraid of a little paint. While your taste may go towards darker, richer colors or bold, bright hues, these shades can actually put off potential buyers. If you know that your color palette isn’t to most people’s liking, spend a little money and tone down the walls. In fact, it can help your property sell faster if buyers look at a room and don’t immediately start thinking about all the money they would have to spend to cover their personal keys.

Eliminate clutter. Nobody wants to enter a house overflowing with garbage. Remove some of your furniture if you have a lot. This will help the room appear larger. You also want to remove as many personal items as possible. Help potential buyers imagine their stuff in space.

When it comes to the garage, try to make sure it’s at least tidy. You may be storing things there during the sales process, and that’s fine; just make sure they are well stacked and not randomly thrown around the room.

Preparing the exterior

If you need to do a home repair, do it. This includes, but is not limited to, broken glass, cracked tiles, and leaky faucets. If you’ve recently replaced your roof, water heater, or air conditioning unit, have all warranty documents handy for the real estate agent. Also, make sure your home has been treated for pests before putting it on the market, especially if it’s been a while.

If you have pets that spend a lot of time outdoors, you should go outside and watch your yard for dog waste before showing your property. If your dogs are diggers, be sure to fill in the holes before showing the property. People looking for houses for sale generally don’t want to stumble upon anything unpleasant.

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