How to make money with your Bichon Frize photos


During these financially difficult times, people are looking for ways to increase their family income. If you love photography and you have a Bichon Frize, why not earn a little extra money with your Bichon Frize photos?

Before you even consider making money from your pet’s photos, take a hard look at your dog first. If your bichon frize doesn’t look like a cute little poof and is more like a dust bunny, you should give your pet a good brushing first. Trim all mats and tangles and give her a warm, relaxing bath. If you have a little money to spare, have a professional groomer give your dog a special haircut, such as the teddy bear cut or the panda cut. Once your bichon is in his cute and cuddly form, you can start clicking away with his camera. You can keep your camera on standby for any “nice” moment, like when he suddenly flops onto his back to ask for a belly rub or during a boisterous Bichon Buzz.

Even if you’ve taken all your photos and still aren’t convinced this could be a profitable venture, just take a look at the hits Bichon Frize pictures are getting on the web. Those five digit numbers are indicative of how popular the Bichon Frize is.

There are several ways to make money from Bichon Frize photos. One way is to make art prints from your photos. If you already have several good images on hand, put them up in an online gallery and sell them in large poster size.

If you are a photographer and computer whiz, you may want to get into the stationery business. You can sell greeting cards, sticky notes, and notepads with a picture or two of your bichon. You can hire a printing company that specializes in custom items like t-shirts and mugs.

Did you know that your Bichon can be a fashionista’s best friend? So, try investing in Metaza. Metaza is a special engraving machine and software that is capable of transferring (or engraving) images of your Bichon Frize onto silver or gold metal plates. You can have Bichon photos stamped on metal bookmarks, pendants, medallions, and lucky charms.

Don’t let your Bichon photos remain stored inside an album or your scrapbook. By being resourceful and creative, you can transform your puppy’s pictures into a lucrative money-making venture.

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