Known minor and major types of poetry

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The good thing about poetry is that it is completely subjective. Anyone can write poetry. There are no concrete rules that dictate the form and composition. The bad thing about poetry is that it is completely subjective. Anyone can write poetry, it is true, but not many people can write it well. Poets are often ridiculed for their sensitive nature and sometimes teased for wasting time, but it is more difficult to be a successful poet than it is to be a successful writer in any other way. Aspiring novelists have it easy compared to aspiring poets.

Let’s try to make your life a little easier by looking at some types of poetry.

Some lesser known types include:

Acrostic poems: they are misleading because they convey the message in two ways, or they continue the message from one way to another. In addition to lines of poetry, poets use the first letter of each line to spell another word or message. It can be even more complicated if you have messages in the first and last letters of each line. Among the most famous acrostic poems are those of Lewis Carroll Through the looking glass and Edgar Allan Poe An acrostic.

Concrete Poems: Again, composition is misleading because poems are written to resemble a shape. For example, a poem about trees could be composed to look like a tree. George Herbert was a fan of concrete poetry, his most famous example being Easter wings, with the poem in the form of wings.

Fifty poems: there are five lines in total, including the title. The title of a word is the first line, followed by a second line of two words that describes the title, a third line of three words for action, a fourth line of four words for sentiment, and a fifth line of one or two words. . line.

Senryu Poems: These Japanese poems are similar to haiku in their shortened structure, but tend to be more ironic or satirical in their point of view.

Types of poems you should know:

Verse: These poems are made up of two-line rhyming verses.

Sonnet – These are 14-line lyrical poems, usually romantic in nature, with an abab rhyme pattern. Review your Shakespeare to see some great examples.

Ballad: they are stories of facts or facts in verse. Centuries ago, they used to be accompanied by music. The verses have four lines with rhyming patterns of abac, aabb or acbc.

Epic: they are long narratives that narrate great events and events in much more detail than ballads and with a more serious and less romantic stance. The most famous epic poems include Homer’s The Iliad By Dantés The Divine Comedy and John Milton lost paradise.

Limerick: They are usually a bit dirty, but not always. They consist of five lines; the first, second and fifth lines rhyme, the third and fourth lines also rhyme.

Now take your pen and start writing.

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