Mad Scientist Muscle Review – Double Your Muscle Building Results

Lifestyle Fashion

Nick Nilsson’s “Mad Scientist Muscle” eBook covers how to double your muscle building results. The program is based on 2 Principles.

#1 is Planned Overtraining and Rebounding

In this section you will learn how overtraining is good for muscle growth. Many fitness experts have always said that overtraining is a bad thing. In the Mad Scientist Muscle eBook, you’ll learn that overtraining can be good for muscle growth and continued results in your training.

Your body is constantly adapting to whatever your current workout is. This is why you will hit a plateau after 3-6 weeks with the same workout. With Nick’s program, you will use this to your advantage. For a few weeks, he will steadily increase his training to the point of overtraining. Once you get to that point, it’s time to rest and constantly reduce your workouts to the point of no training at all.

This is a concept that I had never known. It’s great for me because when I try to build muscle I always have a tendency to have problems after I’ve been training for several weeks. Suddenly I have neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, or back pain from all the heavy weights. My body just can’t sustain this for more than 3-4 weeks. So I just end up giving up the heavyweights.

#2 is about training to better support muscle growth

The first part of better supporting muscle growth is building a stronger frame. You may have tried to build muscle before and felt like your body couldn’t keep up because of your build. This is how I feel when everything starts to go wrong. My framework just isn’t capable of doing it. This section will focus on the bones, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and fascia.

The second part of better supporting muscle growth focuses on the fascia, which is the connective tissue that covers the muscles. This section will teach you how to stretch your fascia so your muscles will grow. This stretch is not after your workout, it’s during your workout and with resistance. I always tried to stretch after my workout. The key here is during your workout so your muscle can still expand while you exercise.

The third part of better muscle growth support is pumping nutrients and oxygen into your muscles to repair them. Nick explains how this workout is done with high rep training. This will force a large amount of blood into the muscles over a long period of time. I always thought this was just people trying to tone up. This could almost be like doing drop sets. Those reps definitely get the blood pumping to your muscles.

The fourth part of better muscle growth support is about the nervous system and how to make it work at its maximum capacity. This involves using a moderate weight but doing 2 times as many reps as you would normally do with it. These repetitions will be without negative resistance. I always thought that the kids in the gym were just playing. They probably were and didn’t realize that this could help them gain strength.

Over all this book has some great tips for gaining muscle. I definitely could have used it many years ago when I was in my prime. I will definitely give it another chance and this time I will succeed.

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