Motion graphics are better than static graphics

Digital Marketing

Visitors can be drawn in by motion graphics on a website as videos capture immediate interest. Static images or graphics on a website simply don’t grab a reader’s attention as quickly as something like an animation or video.

Enhanced Advertising

New developments in web video technology are translating into motion graphics that convey audio, text, music, and motion at the click of a mouse. As anyone who tracks web bounce rates will attest, you should grab your visitor’s attention within seconds. You have to use innovative interactive techniques to capture their interest. You can quickly engage and educate consumers about your products with motion graphics much better than static graphics simply because you can give consumers an engaging experience.

Video loops and video backgrounds can be the heart of motion graphics that bring your ads to life. Motion adds extra meaning to the message you want to convey in your ad or web video. Movement in motion graphics is capable of eliciting a variety of emotional responses from viewers. You can attract your viewers or repel them. You could surprise or shock them. The stronger the emotion you evoke, the better your chances of turning eyeballs into sales. Powerful commercials aren’t just seen on TV anymore, in fact, you’re more likely to see a commercial on Facebook, YouTube, or even LinkedIn.

Static graphics can’t convey the uniqueness of your value proposition as well as motion graphics. Video provides a lasting impression of your site, your product, and your message. As a business promotion tool, video ads are gaining traction among tech-savvy consumers. By using cheap video backgrounds or video loops in your ads, you’ve come up with an effective, efficient, and affordable method of marketing your products. Budgets to produce a video ad or promotion have shrunk dramatically in recent years, some fantastic videos have been produced for under a hundred dollars using stock video.

You can do a lot of amazing things with video backgrounds and animations, from launching an amazing new website to creating a cool branded video ad. Combine your animations with interactive components and you will boost your online campaigns. Creative motion graphics are better than static graphics at engaging your potential customers.

Now, with faster broadband connections, 3G and 4G, plus the growth of smartphones and tablets, video really is the future now.

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