Proto-virtual reality and social networks


Embodied in statements like “we’re going to take a break,” “perspective psychology,” and “a government of citizens” is a complexity that often escapes the popular media. However, as the media develops with the convergence of social media and technology conglomerates collecting newly discovered knowledge of brain functions, genetic dispositions, and artistic preferences, among other similarly related things, there is also a new tendency to develop the capacities of social networks to encompass something that is more cognitive, that has a direction, or even a form of psychological function. By all the meanings of the terms, these are not meanings that are simply indifferent.

The opportunity for the new-found convergence between chemical reality and technological reality, now in its infancy, but now also in a significant stage that I call the Visual Horizon or the Informational Events Horizon, is currently that of the visual and news media. another type, the known sciences. like statistics and mathematics, which are nevertheless authentically integrated with aspects of the human mind. These integrations or ‘imperturbations’ (a word I define as ‘implicit opening or significant indentation’) have potential for magic, not only because the media offers what is commonly called ‘media magic’, but because of the aforementioned convergence. between the realms of media or media chemistry — as psychology — and brain science.

What I would like to do is open the door to psychological media, not like making fiery movies, or even cultivating media databases, or working on media processing applications, but instead the specifically magical application of very uses. specific to the context for the sake of perspective benefits. Also, I won’t let your imagination determine what I mean by magical means, perspective psychology, citizen as government, or taking a break. Instead, these terms will be reinterpreted to denote something more meaningful to the media. More significantly repeatedly, in your own perspective psychology context, citizen as government, take a break or magical means.

First, consider an open ending. To some extent, it has been overused. The media, in general (I’m thinking of commercials during SuperBowl) is based on a closed web of assumptions about what the consumer sees, hears and interprets. This closed set of assumptions is a function of the open character for the consumer. If it weren’t open, if the consumer couldn’t take turns being an atheist, a bulemic, or the president, his specific approach to the SuperBowl wouldn’t have the same appeal. Clearly there are other options, but they are difficult to achieve. In the case of the expression “take a break”, the SuperBowl offers one option, while determining a large fixed set of dimensions offers another alternative.

For example, in the context of complex media, what if ‘take a break’ is a user-defined ‘location’? This offers the possibility of stretching the psychological imagination about what it means linguistically (and, ultimately, what it means to the consumer). Also, what can be added to the concept of location is that it doesn’t have to involve someone’s physical relocation. It could be a change in information, images, or even chemistry. Furthermore, these categories that replace location are interchangeable and interpenetrable. If chemistry is a function of visuals, visuals can be used to inexpensively simulate the location of chemicals. These chemical locations are then assigned not only to biological, genetic, and personality test information quadrants, but are also assigned to specific types of media.

Now let’s look at another example. “A government of citizens” can be translated in various ways, such as “population”, “centralization” and “government as citizen” and “citizen as government”. However, what does this say about the media? This is not always obvious. But recently, social media has stepped in to provide a metaphor for social responsibility and public or citizen awareness. Clearly then, in this case there are three agents: [1] citizen, [2] technology, and [3] Government. The interesting factor is that the citizen can signify technology by offering specific applications that are a function of his or her own brain, and perhaps in that context he or she is the legitimate authority over a specific area of ​​intellectual property. This is like a citizen as self-government. Furthermore, the corporatization of the media institutes a kind of centralized government on highly mobile products, which may not even exist in the same country in which they were produced.

Interpreting what I consider to be the relatively dry context that I have described so far, the citizen-app-government paradigm can be further extended in the context of social media, when media is a function of neurology, image analysis, and personality. . . I am not referring so much to a government role for the media as to a vast relativism about what it means to be a citizen of the media. Clearly, the media not only alienates dysfunctions, but integrates functions. Thus, there is an opportunity for government, media and personal images to be integrated in terms that can be analyzed with a computer. This, in turn, means more systematization in the standard and extended meaning of images and other forms of media, not only to be integrated within the context of media productions, but also to be integrated into the context of computer functions. . Beyond that, there is a recursive capacity to reintegrate the ‘functions of the media’ into the functional concepts of citizen and government, presumably as agents within the media.

The last term I mentioned initially was perspective psychology. Clearly, the opening here is through a convergence between variety as a spice and scientific advances that promote the functionality of media and systems. By turning this information into a circle with “media functions” and “user-defined locations”, it is implied that science itself is one of the standard openings of media. There is also the implication that disciplines such as science will be open to a large amount of user-generated content, in the vein of social media. There is an opportunity for the use of crowd psychology combined with computerized interpretation to produce functional results.

However, ignoring science for the moment, there is a direct potential between the “function of the media” and the concepts of psychology. Maybe I don’t mean the brand. Perhaps there is a different concept than the brand that would fulfill a function for social networks. For example, consider relativized marks. There have been signs of additional user-defined branding of personal products, particularly in that advent when users define entire systems for themselves (say, aesthetically, etc.). These systems that users define connote, in their best form, real authorities in the media. Therefore, a series of conclusions follows: [1] The media will have psychology locations, which are effectively defined by the user. If users do not discover that they can own these locations, they will find a way to delegate responsibility to someone else, including individuals, governments, or corporations. This is a true social psychology moment. [2] Emotions, under the authority of psychology, will largely define the nature of the location and therefore the information. due [3] Systems will be a function of chemistry and consequently [4] Society will depend on a meaningful science of the media.

Here I have defined a number of different areas that can affect the future of media. These implications are metaphysical, but they are strangely localized. They are scientific, but very personal. They are technical, but they involve the world. The future of the media will surely benefit from considering these kinds of treatises that I have discussed, orienting the media towards those specific problems that affect the integration of mind, matter and politics. It is these areas in which the future of social networks affects.

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