the christmas robin

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The humble robin is a traditional Christmas symbol in the UK, the colorful bird often depicted on our festive greeting cards and Christmas gift wrapping. We also use robin ornaments to adorn our Christmas trees and our Christmas cakes or chocolate logs. It is not surprising that we appreciate this beautiful and cheerful little bird as part of our Christmas festivities because it is so colorful and most other birds have migrated to warmer climates. And during our long, gloomy winters, we are uplifted to hear the joyous song of the festive robin.

However, there’s more to this jolly guy than just cute Christmas cards of him posing on snow-covered mailboxes and nestling in old copper watering cans.

Robins live throughout Europe (except for the Far North) and Western Siberia. We noticed an increase in the number of robins in the UK during the winter months, as robins from colder climates move to warmer winter gathering areas during the autumn.

Robins that live in close proximity to people can become quite tame, especially with avid gardeners. Some cheeky robins have learned to take advantage of dug up worms caused by gardeners digging and turning up the soil.

Robins have also been found to be able to fish. However, not for large fish, as the robin is only 14 cm and weighs between 14 and 21 grams. Robins can float and dive for fish in shallow water.

Male robins are very territorial and sing to proclaim their territory, what sounds to us like a happy winter song is actually a warning of occupancy to other robins in the area. Robins will fight to defend their territory.

Robins mate and nest in late March. The female robin builds a nest out of dry dead leaves and moss in tree crevices, wall cavities, or undergrowth.

Because robins don’t build traditional nests out of twigs and sticks, but simply line holes and crevices, that’s why we hear stories of robins nesting in old watering cans and wellington boots.

The female lays between 4 and 6 small white to slightly blue mottled eggs that incubate for 2 weeks.

At two weeks of age, robin chicks can fly. At this time, the parent robin feeds the offspring from her for another 3 weeks until the chicks become independent at around five weeks of age, meanwhile the female raises the second brood from her.

Chicks are not born with the trademark vibrant red breast feathers. They shed their chick feathers to make way for their touch of red on their breasts.

Not many robin chicks can show off their new red feathers with photo poses atop mailboxes or snow-covered pine trees because more than half of the chicks die within their first year.

However, robins can live to the mature age of 5 years, which is something to sing about.

So think of this festive little bird this Christmas because he works hard for a living. Maybe leave them some tasty Christmas treats on their bird table, some bacon rind and a ball of stuffing. And maybe I’ll leave some old terracotta pots for a homeless female robin looking for a place to build her nest.

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