The indestructible house

Real Estate

One hundred and ten years ago, in 1909, a large house was built in St. Petersburg, Florida. But it was not a typical house that needed repairs. From the moment it was built, the house was never repaired and nothing had to be replaced. The locals called it a “miracle” home because nothing ever had to be repaired. For the past hundred years, a rumor spread that it was indestructible and nothing could harm it.

Little is known of the fifteen workers who built the house.

The only common knowledge is that they built the house in a very short time. But some residents reported strange and lurid chants during the nights it was being built. After its construction, the workers were never heard from or seen again. Many believe that the fifteen men somehow cursed the house. Was it the strange “rituals” and chants that made the home indestructible?

The “indestructibility” theory has been successfully tested over the years. In 1995, an army of residents set out to disprove that rumor. They entered while some stayed outside using all available tools to physically damage any part of the house. However, no one could even make a dent inside or outside the house. A few years ago, attempts to use dynamite proved futile. Even the original paint was glued to the house, which had never chipped or fallen off.

Local newspapers over the years reported that the house still stood exactly as it was when it was built many years ago. Theories as to why the house could not be damaged ranged from when angels built it to when it was cursed. However, most people believed that a meteorite from space struck the site thousands of years ago.

Since the home was completed, it had a low owner turnover due to low costs and the home never needed repairs. The only differences the owners made were during Halloween and Christmas, when they spruced up the house with Christmas decorations.

But several years ago, in 2015, Jim and Mary Dexter, a young couple bought the house from the last owner for a lot of money. They knew that their new home had been deemed “indestructible.” The couple set out to find out more about their interesting home by researching its history at the local library. They collected little useful information. So Jim decided that he would explore the house a little more thoroughly. However, Mary was unable to help him because she had to leave town for a business conference.

When Jim started hunting, he walked through each room, scanning the walls and every corner for hidden doors. He looked for anything that had not been reported in the history of the house. He searched for nooks and crannies, even hidden rooms that hadn’t been explored. Although he found nothing unusual, he traveled to the basement, hitting the basement walls to hear hollow spaces, but to no avail. Then he looked at the ground that seemed solid. However, he carefully walked over it, listening to whether the floorboards were weak.

He saw a dusty carpet that was so old that it was as brown as the rest of the floor. He believed that the carpet was the key to entry to something underneath. Jim tried to remove it, but it wasn’t easy, it seemed stuck to the ground. He went to his toolbox and pulled out a mallet to smash the rug off. After breaking it seven times, the wooden floor was subjected to the force of blows as it fell under the house in an area never seen before.

So much dust was raised that it swirled around the basement. Jim could barely breathe. So he covered his nose and mouth with his hands until the dust settled. He moved to an opening he made and pulled a flashlight from his pocket, shining it down. Apparently, he had found a way to enter a new room. As he looked around, he felt exuberant that he had possibly made a never-before-seen part of the house. Suddenly he saw a human skull on the ground in the corner. Then he moved the light across the room, saw a dozen skeletons.

Jim’s eyes went wide and he thought, “Oh no !!!” He panicked and immediately called 911. Within five seconds a woman showed up and Jim told her what he had found at his home. She told him that a sheriff would be there immediately.

Jim tried unsuccessfully to call Mary on his iPhone. Although she was not available, Jim did not leave a message. He was shaking, thinking about what he had just seen. He wondered how those people ended up locked under his house. Police ran toward the home with a fire truck following her. When the police car arrived at the house, the sheriff got out, Jim drove it and showed them the skeletons he had discovered. After firefighters arrived, they took out their ladders and set them down. Police and firefighters descended the stairs, trying not to step on the bones.

News of the discovery quickly reached the St. Petersburg area. Reporters arrived at the home but were restrained as yellow tape was placed around the home while FBI forensic technicians carefully examined the bones. Hours later, the bones were separated and individually removed from the house with great care. But as soon as they took out all the skeletons, suddenly there was a huge creaking noise from the top of the house. Before anyone knew it, the roof had completely collapsed, followed by the rest of the house. Although there were people near the house, they ran out as fast as they could. Unfortunately, several members of the FBI fell and died right in front of the house.

Jim immediately called Mary, who was already driving home. He told her the whole story, and she completed the conversation with lots of surprised gasps and lots of “I don’t think so!” and my God”.

A week later, the St. Petersburg Times reported in its headlines: “An ‘indestructible’ 100-year-old house collapses from the inside.” The article reported: “The skeletons of 15 dead people who, according to authorities, may have been the original builders of the house. They were lying close to each other, forming a circle. All had been shot in the head in what appeared to be a kind of cult ritual murder. Apparently this had been a hidden room discovered by the owner, who believed that the floor he struck had been built to hide the skeletons. It has been suggested that the remains of these builders had something to do with the mystique of the house. ‘indestructibility’ This theory is plausible as the house collapsed after an FBI forensic removed the last corpse from the house.

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