The Tenth Insight – Holding the Vision by James Redfield


In this sequel to his novel, The Celestine Prophecy in which he presents 9 ideas, Redfield suggests that we need to envision the future we want; then we can know what to pray for, what to expect. We have the choice to see the world fall apart, or we can see our future progressing. We are gradually waking up to our spirituality, knowing who we really are, beginning to understand the big picture and the plan for our planet. We can start to look at how we treat others and our thoughts and expectations because they have an impact. “Either we fear that human culture is falling apart, or we can hold the view that we are waking up.”

Redfield’s characters understand the importance of animals and their messages, such as rabbits representing fear, crows being a spiritual sign, hawks portending a message, eagles presenting an opportunity to venture into the spirit world, and wolves are teachers. The owl represents the ability to see through the possible deception of others. This is part of our future, connecting with the world around us, recognizing that we are part of nature. By noticing these animals, when they cross our path, we allow them to help us in our growth. We begin to see them as part of the coincidences in our lives and we know that there is a reason.

In the novel, Redfield discusses the ability to raise our vibrations to be invisible to those around us, leaving the third dimension through higher vibrations. While this may sound like fantasy, she reminds us that raising our vibrations, raising our energy, is what will lead us to a new worldview. Whether or not we learn to leave this vibrational level at this point is less important than working to raise our energy in a positive way for our future growth. This is the path to the fourth dimension and higher. We will be able to move there when the time is right if we have done the appropriate work to improve ourselves and help others.

There are groups of souls that are connected with us and help us when needed. This is part of the importance of groups of people working together to complete tasks. Each person within a group is helped by their soul group on the other side. We do not use energy from each other, that is codependency, but we take energy from the Universe, from our divine Source, and use it to complement each other.

We cannot help others if we try to stop them out of fear of what they are doing. If we fear them, that gives our enemies energy, something to fight against. Only our strong and positive energy will allow them to see/feel their best side or somehow deflect their negative impulses or activities. We can help them see what they are really doing here, not the violence they may be currently involved in. Our lesson is to embrace our enemies and learn to love them as humans. We can help stop them with positive energy, not anger. Anger and hate are a dark version of who we are.

Redfield’s message is especially effective today as we face threats from extremists. What if we all started sending out positive energy to counteract your negativity? What if we stop our anger and hate and focus on loving other humans even if they are wrong? Fear will not solve problems. Loving energy can.

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