Trying to conceive a baby boy naturally? Discover the best methods to conceive a boy faster


If you are really trying to conceive a baby boy naturally, you must first learn the different factors that are responsible for deciding the gender of your baby. Do you really think that changing sexual position helps to decide the sex of your baby? Read more carefully to discover some of my best methods to conceive a boy naturally.

Many families prefer the baby boy first. Various families give birth to many children to produce baby boys. Some of them are successful and many of them fail. There are some natural ways by which we can take great care to produce a male child. Some of them are the following:

There are two types of chromosomes that decide the sex of your baby. The Y chromosomes have boy properties and the X chromosomes have girl properties. Y chromosomes are fast but lack strength and agility. If a woman’s egg is fertilized with Y chromosomes, then you can have a baby naturally. To achieve this, it is necessary to take the following precautions:

1) Have sex close to the ovulation period: The first thing you will have to do is know your probable ovulation date. You can buy inexpensive ovulation predictor kits at local health food stores. Once you know your ovulation period, you can have sex with your partner before or after one day of the ovulation period. Deep penetrative sex on these days can increase the chance of fertilizing male sperm with a female egg.

2) Keep your PH balance: If your PH level is very acidic, male sperm can easily die in the vagina. You need to make your PH level alkaline. The acidic environment is dangerous for male sperm. They cannot survive in an acidic body. This is why you will have to take more precautions to alkalize your body and reduce the acidity in your body.

3) Follow the balanced diet: Foods that contain a lot of sodium and potassium are good for your body if you have an acidic PH level. You can eat fruits like watermelon, grapes and lemon etc. along with green vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and spinach. They have been proven to reduce acidity in your body.

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