What is a strong password?


By now, we should all know what your password is. The problem is that we all have a different definition of what a very strong password really is. In recent studies, the most popular is still 12345. So it really seems that we still don’t know how to use them or even how to create them.

How many of you use a different one for each account? And how secure is that password? Unless you are using some kind of administrator, there is no way you can remember all your strong passwords. But that’s not a problem you say, you’ve jotted down all of yours and that’s how you remember them. Or maybe you save them on your smartphone in some kind of text file. If this is the case, you may not have a password at all.

So what makes a strong password?

* Must be between 12 and 14 characters

* It must not contain any words from the dictionary.

* Must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

* Numbers and letters must be completely random.

* Remember to use the password only once

So now that you know how strong it is, there is really only one way to store and remember them and that is by using a password manager. A simple internet search should return with a list that you could use to find one. I personally use DashLane, which has proven to be very good on all my devices. When using a password manager, you only have to remember one password which is your master password. This password allows you to access all your other passwords. If you forget your master password, all other passwords could be lost forever. Passport management companies claim that they do not store your master password. All your passwords are encrypted with high-level encryption software. Most good password managers will also generate strong passwords.

It seems like every day we find out about another business being hacked and your information stolen. A strong, non-repeating password is your best defense. If you hear that a retailer or store that you have done business with in person or online and paid with a credit card is hacked, you should immediately change the password for that store.

Passwords are a weak defense, but for now it is the only defense we have to protect ourselves.

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