What makes country music ‘country’?

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It’s been around for decades, growing up in the 1920s with the likes of ‘Eck” Robertson and Jimmie Rodgers, but this has come a long way since them, by leaps and bounds and has become unrecognizable to some and off-putting to others. It may be hard to imagine how the two eras of country music can be so different yet the same.

Is it the instruments? It traditionally had violins and even lively instrumentals, and then slow, simple chords, but if that works, then it definitely rules out pretty much all of the best Country artists in the current top ten, and even a lot of older artists.

Traditionally this music had very recognizable lyrics. The song would tell a distinctive story, of loss, grief and life lessons, this would set it apart from many other musical genres, but this ‘old’ style seems lost in today’s modern world, and even the ‘storytelling’ lyrics they seem to get lost among songs of a more commercial type.

Has he really lost his accent? Is the accent what makes Country? Many modern songs have lost their accent, but does removing the accent remove the country? Does country become merely pop or maybe blues? When we listen to this Music, we recognize a certain element that distinguishes it from other musical subgenres. But even the most die-hard fan of country music can have trouble distinguishing country from other pop genres. If we look at someone like Carrie Underwood, a popular and rising star, her music seems to have little in common with the singers of this music of yesteryear. and despite her, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish her music from modern pop.

Is there something that determines if you are listening or not? A purist might say that it hasn’t really been Country since the 1970s, when the term Countrypolitan was born and C. Pop became a genre. It is here that we lose it, for them everything that is not ‘pure’ Country should not be considered in this genre.

Those who separate from the Genre to “Traditional” in an effort to preserve their C. Music heritage; Do you see something specific that is missing in modern country music? Maybe it’s the real commercialization of the music genre, which has ruined it for a lot of traditional music lovers, after all, you can write a song that you love, or you can write a song that sells, those two ideas almost never. crossover, at some point in their careers, are forced to choose between the two, and always easily, many choosing popularity over traditional and not-so-popular styles, many even crossing genres entirely and turning their backs on their old Country style. . Will this music one day become so far removed from the sounds of C. Music Pioneers that it is completely and ultimately unrecognizable as a form of C. Music, and will traditional C. music be lost forever?

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