You want a baby? 5 natural tips


Scientific methods to determine the sex of your baby, such as assisted reproductive technology (ART), are not only expensive and elusive, but they can also have side effects. Fortunately, there are natural ways to select the sex of your next baby. The following tips will help tip the odds in your favor for your next baby to be a boy.

We have to understand this first, about determining the gender of the baby. The Y chromosome in male sperm is responsible for the formation of a baby. When you fertilize the egg’s X chromosome, you have a boy. So anything you can do to get the Y chromosome to fertilize the egg versus the sperm on the X chromosome will increase your chances of having a male baby.

Tip 1. Sex position. Deep penetration of the male organ will increase the chance that the Y chromosome will fertilize the egg. It is smaller but shorter in life. Therefore, helping the sperm on the Y chromosome to reach their destination on time increases the chances of having a baby. The most common method of obtaining the desired deep penetration is to enter the woman from behind while resting on her knees and hands. The missionary position can also be effective, as long as the woman uses a pillow to lift her pelvis and allow deep penetration.

Tip 2. Orgasm. The idea is to alkalize the environment, a favorable condition for the Y chromosome to do its job. When the lady reaches orgasm before the man, the ground has been prepared, so to speak, for the Y chromosome and thus for a baby. A woman’s orgasm would make the area around the cervix alkaline, which makes it more favorable for the functioning of the Y chromosome and consequently increases the chances of a male gender.

TIP 3 Body pH. It is generally believed that the more alkaline the body is, the more likely it is to have a baby boy. Anything that a woman can do to alkalize her body, such as eating food and fluids, will improve her chances of having a baby boy. The pH scale goes from 1 to 14. Seven is neutral, while 7 to 14 is alkaline and 1 to 7 is acidic. Mothers must eat foods rich in sodium and potassium to have the necessary alkaline condition of the male gender of the baby.

Tip 4. Diet. The diet you eat at the time you are planning and making your baby will determine the state of your body and influence the gender of your baby. To favor a baby, you will need to eat foods rich in sodium and potassium. Red meat, banana, nuts, sausages, sweet corn will make your body more alkaline and more conducive to producing a baby. Do not overdo it. Moderation is the word

Tip 5 Time. Here we have to master two things if we want to have a baby. Ovulation first, then timing. Generally, it is accepted that the fertility window for a woman is 5 days in a month. Three days before ovulation and one after. The suggestion is to help the Y chromosome that carries the sperm to fertilize the egg on the day of ovulation. Remember that the egg in the woman is viable for 24 hours, and the Y sperm will not live longer than 24 hours, so do your best to facilitate their meeting at this time.

Don’t leave your baby’s gender to chance. If it is your desire to determine the gender of your baby, find out how to get the beautiful girl or bouncy baby you want. There are natural, proven ways to choose the gender of your baby.

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