20 short and interesting facts about France

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France, officially called the French Republic, is located in Western Europe. It is the largest country in the European Union by area. France has been in power for many centuries with a strong economic, military, cultural and political background. Let’s take a quick look at some of the interesting facts about France:

1. Almost 20% of France is outside Europe. These regions are known as “DOM-TOM”, where 2.5 million French citizens live.

2. The Statue of Liberty was made in France and given to the United States. The face of the statue is carved taking into account the face of Isabella Eugenie Boyer, who is the wife of the Parisian sewing machine manufacturer Isaac Singer.

3. April Fool’s Day (April Fish to the French) is believed to have originated in France when the nation switched to the Gregorian calendar. Those unaware of the calendar change thought April 1 was New Year’s Day. Since then the day of fools originated to make fun of them.

4. The Eiffel Tower is the Symbol of France and is the tallest building

5. Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the beautiful churches in France. It is also a classic example of the church that is built in the Old Gothic style.

6. France is considered the cradle of Gothic art and the Baroque architectural style. Gothic art was initially known as French art.

7. French cuisine is considered the best in the world

8. Farms in France occupy 10% of the land area

9. Mount Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps and Western Europe

10. Gavarnie Falls is the highest waterfall in France reaching up to 422 meters

11. The largest urban population is registered in Paris

12. Loire is the longest river with a length of 1,013 kilometers

13. La Marseillaise is the National Anthem of France

14. Iris is the national flower of France

15. Gallic rooster is the national animal of France

16. The National Holiday is celebrated on July 14

17. Mona Lisa, a world famous painting from France

18. French was the official language of England for over 300 years.

19. France produces more nuclear electricity compared to Germany, Spain, Russia and the UK

20. Marianne is the national emblem of the French Republic

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