5 interview mistakes that can lead to hiring the wrong person


Mistake #1: Going with the flow

Inexperienced interviewers sometimes fall into the trap of letting the interview go “freeform,” spending different amounts of time on different questions, basing follow-up questions on candidates’ answers. This can result in a candidate taking control of the interview and taking him or her where he or she wants to go, rather than where he or she can get the information that he or she needs.

Solution: Ask everyone the same questions. Prepare a list in advance, based on the information you need, and use it as a guide throughout the interview. Put each question on a separate sheet of paper and prepare a set for each candidate. As you go through the questions, use the appropriate sheets to take notes on the answers and your own observations and impressions. You can vary the follow-up questions as needed, but keep your notes on the main question page. When you’ve followed this structure with all the candidates, you can compare them on an “apples to apples” basis.

Mistake #2: Asking predictable questions

Job applicants have many sources of interview help, and it’s easy to learn acceptable answers to standard questions. That means even the wrong candidate for her position could answer questions in a way that misleads you into thinking he or she is a good fit.

Solution: Ask candidates questions that force them to expand on their answers, illustrating their thinking skills as well as their attitudes and job skills. Such questions may include:

  • If you could design your own work, what would it be like?
  • What is your favorite part of the work you do now? Because you like that?

Ask questions like these, and instead of practiced answers that tell you next to nothing, you’ll gain insight into who these people really are.

Mistake #3: Laundering work

If you have a candidate in front of you who seems like a great choice, you obviously want that person to accept your job offer. Sometimes, however, you know that the job has inherent challenges or drawbacks, and you may be afraid of losing a good employee if you talk about these things. The problem is that if you hire them and they discover the negatives themselves, you can lose them in the first week!

Solution: Be honest about challenges at work or within the company. Look out for candidates who accept and enjoy challenges, and who can see past the negatives. These can become your most valuable employees.

Mistake #4: Ignoring the question of “fit”

Every organization has a culture. It comes from a combination of the industry you’re in, the ages of those who work there, the size of the company, the number of people, the geographic location, and many other factors. But that culture creates its own work environment, and if employees don’t feel comfortable with that environment or don’t work well in it, they don’t “fit in.” This person will never be an asset to your company and, in fact, can leave very quickly.

Solution: Ask questions whose answers demonstrate the candidate’s personality and character, their attitudes toward the workplace. An example of such a question might be: Do you prefer a structured environment or a more relaxed and calm one? Why?

Mistake #5: Letting a candidate’s main positive blind them to the negatives

Sometimes a person can have an outstanding positive aspect: they worked for their main competitor, attended a university with a history of successful graduates, or simply come from their hometown. If you also instinctively like the guy, it’s tempting to be too swayed by this fact and not pay enough attention to others who aren’t as attractive.

Solution: When you record your notes on each candidate (see the solution to mistake #1), be sure to record both the negatives and the positives on the appropriate pages. When you review your notes after the interview is over, you’ll be better able to balance the pros and cons in an unbiased manner.

Candidates are usually sophisticated job seekers who are well prepared for the interview. To avoid costly hiring mistakes, hiring interviewers must be equally prepared for the process.

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