5 reasons to groom your dog


Grooming can seem expensive when you think of all the other things you need to do for your pup. However, the reasons you need to groom your dog far outweigh the reasons not to. There are many people who choose the breed of dog based on the amount of work they have to put in to keep them well cared for and this is definitely a factor that should help you make up your mind. Choosing a breed that needs a lot of extra care may not work for you if you’re a working professional who values ​​your free time, for example. Here are 5 reasons why grooming your dog is so important:

Brushing your dog removes old fur, helping you better control its shedding. Removes dead skin cells and promotes new hair growth. It also encourages the natural oils in your skin to flow and moisturize the skin and coat. This part of grooming is essential for the health of your dog’s coat and skin.

While this doesn’t need to be done as frequently as brushing, there is also an important reason to shampoo your pup. In places like cities, the shampoo will remove dust and contaminants that have built up on your dog’s coat. In more suburban areas it will help get rid of pollen and grass or burrs if your dog likes to venture out a lot. Again, this helps with the healthy shedding of dead skin cells and oil production. It is important that you use the correct shampoo, we cannot use human shampoo on our dogs. You should go to your local pet store or vet and get something that is suitable for your furry friend.

nail cutting
While I know this can be a daunting task, making sure your pup’s nails don’t overgrow is vital. Ingrown toenails or damaged nail beds are uncomfortable and make walking difficult. Just think about how you feel when your feet hurt or you have a blister or ingrown toenail. The same applies here. If you are afraid to cut their nails, you can take them to the vet or a professional groomer who will help you with this.

Grooming includes touching your puppy, it means getting involved and making it look and feel good. Touch is very important for bonding and it is very easy to get puppies used to brushing, bathing and trimming their nails early on if you do it gently and perseveringly. Sending your pup to a professional groomer is just as good for bonding, even if it’s not with you, they still bond and socialize with a friendly face and this is great for their mental and physical health.

proactive checkups
The most important reason for pet grooming is that it allows you to detect any abnormalities in their skin, eyes, ears, nails, or fur. You can feel lumps without freaking your dog out with a vet in a white coat. It is really important to keep track of your dog’s health and this is one step in finding any physical signs that something may be wrong and therefore hopefully you would have caught it early!

Although getting ready seems like a huge task, there is no rule that says you have to do it yourself and asking for professional help is never a bad thing. Brushing is something that is simple and can be done every day. If you groom your puppy from a young age, it will get used to it and it won’t seem like a fuss later in his life. Give it a try or call a mobile groomer, but don’t miss out on this important part of your pup’s life!

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