Bad Boob Jobs


“I was 19… It was flat as a board, and I thought ‘Wow, you can buy them,’ and I stupidly got them… You know, that was a big mistake. Young girls, don’t do it!” -Denise Richards

Breast augmentation or breast augmentation surgery, more commonly known as breast surgery, is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States. Women of all ages seek to enhance their breasts by increasing their size and shape to make them more beautiful and/or to increase their confidence and quality of life. Bad breast enhancements are not what you want to think about when you are at the height of your enthusiasm for breast surgery.

Having to undergo any surgical procedure is not easy, let alone dealing with a bad cosmetic surgery. Too many times we have heard and seen hundreds of depressing accounts from the media, the internet, magazines and even our own friends and acquaintances about instances of cosmetic surgery gone wrong. Bad boob jobs are so common these days that successful ones are becoming the exception, not the rule. It is said that 20% to 45% of breast augmentation procedures result in less than stellar results. Even celebrities who, unlike regular average salary earners, have a lot of money to spend on these types of surgeries and still experience a bad surgery, regardless of whether they have already chosen the best cosmetic surgeon possible.

You may have come across photos or stories of women with terrible bust jobs and thought how horrible the experience was for these women. Unsatisfactory results not only affect one physically, but can also damage one emotionally. It strips away the very essence of a woman’s dignity to the extent that depression can eventually creep in. Some women have mentioned that undergoing unsuccessful plastic surgery could be even more painful than cancer.

There are many reasons why women end up having bad experiences. One reason could be that the surgeon lacks the necessary skills and is incompetent, or that he does not have enough experience to perform this procedure that requires a lot of precision and experience. In fact, even the best surgeons make mistakes that result in poor results, and some even face lawsuits as a result.

Do horrible breast augmentation surgeries really happen that often?

The truth of the matter is that not everyone who is considered a perfect and healthy candidate for breast augmentation is one hundred percent guaranteed to get perfect natural looking breasts or to be saved from bad breast operations. Complications and health risks are still a strong possibility and can arise nonetheless, and these include leaky breasts, ruptures, infections, connective tissue diseases, and even cancer.

Aesthetically, unflattering breast augmentations often reveal uneven breast sizes and shapes, asymmetrical placement, unnatural-looking necklines, or wrinkles that are often caused by improperly placed breast implants. Some breast surgeries make the breasts look unusually large for a woman’s body. These are all examples of bad boob jobs you’d want to avoid. If you choose to have a breast operation, you may want to choose a surgeon who considers these aspects and carefully ensures that her breasts look as natural as possible.

Most women considering breast augmentation initially intend to improve the quality of their lives by having surgery. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Breast enlargement doesn’t just end after surgery because you still face future additional surgeries and follow-up evaluations as you age, adding to the overall costs you’ll need to be prepared for (even if all goes well). Over time, your implants will also deteriorate causing more surgeries later on. One study showed that one in five women who had breast augmentation would likely have additional surgery within a three-year period as a result of failed jobs. What is even worse is that these additional surgeries do not always solve the problems, and further complications can still arise that result in a lower breast augmentation in the future.

Furthermore, the poor results are largely attributed to the use of silicone implants that have been widely accepted over the last few decades. Many women have reported complications and discomfort with the use of silicone implants. There have been many controversies regarding silicone implants, and as such, doctors have grouped illnesses associated with silicone implants into a category called “silicone implant illnesses.” Studies are still underway to find out more about the effects of silicone breast implants on the body and how it results in so many cases of bad plastic surgery. However, saline implants have recently been used instead of these gel-filled silicone implants.

“I am well aware that some scientists believe that implants do not cause lupus, chronic fatigue, flu-like symptoms, or the aches and pains I used to suffer from. I am not a scientist, but I am an expert on myself, so let me just say it : I was healthy, I got implants, I got sick, they took them out and I got better… Even more upsetting to me than my own illness is that my little daughter got sick, with symptoms that were similar to mine, is it just a coincidence that she got sick after being breastfed by a mother with ruptured silicone implants? -Maria McDonough

Still, there are a number of drawbacks to using saline implants that women should consider before having breast surgery. For one thing, the saline type looks less natural compared to the normal shape and contour of the breast.

What’s even more shocking is that more and more women continue to go under the knife and get breast surgery despite all the scare stories and controversies going around. Perhaps the media has something to do with how women today perceive beauty. Health is clearly losing its importance for aesthetics, as evidenced by the constant increase in cosmetic procedures.

Having a breast augmentation is a very personal decision for each woman; however, before deciding whether or not to have enhancement surgery, you should consider the associated health risks above all else, that is, the risk of undergoing operations that start a ripple effect on your health. The complications and risks associated with complications from surgery far outweigh any benefits of looking beautiful. When it comes to health problems, it should not be forgotten that no cosmetic benefit can take precedence over many years of poor results.

The solution to bad breast augmentation

As much as it is a personal decision, choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery means that you are properly informed about the benefits and risks associated with breast augmentation surgery. As with any other medical procedure or surgery, it is always best to select a highly qualified, trusted and board-certified cosmetic surgeon to help you achieve the best possible results for your breasts. With this in mind, you can determine if you are a good candidate for such a procedure or if you are willing to explore more natural breast augmentation procedures that will help you avoid the health risks and cost of painful surgery.

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