Cambodia buses: a new Asian scenic attraction?

Tours Travel

When the first of the Bohemians began to rediscover the kingdom of Cambodia after the Vietnam War, using the term roads was simply an easy way to say improved tracks from an endless quagmire; Axel smashing, oil pan crushing the quagmire, at that

A major scenic attraction soon to be heralded with millions of years of development is the road between Sre Amble and the Thai border at Had Lek, as you will navigate through one of the largest, only slightly looted, primeval jungle forests left. in the world. This vast expanse covers millions of acres, with several very different watersheds. You will be mesmerized by waves of dense foliage that fade from black and silvery green to grays that eventually merge with the clouds with little or no sign of the presence of man.

Today, 3 of the 4 main bridges that were memorable river crossings in the past are open and the fourth was promised to be in line by the Khmer New Year. The adventure of these river crossings will be lost, while at the same time it will be possible to get from Phnom Penh to Bangkok in just over 12 hours; today the best you can do is around 16 hours.

Considering the distance traveled, traveling by bus is still easily the cheapest way to go to Bangkok, expect to pay between $ 25- $ 30 for example Phnom Penh to Bangkok compared to $ 75 + with fuel surcharges, airport taxes on cheap flights from Bangkok on Air Asia or Bangkok Air.

Enjoying the scenery has always been one of the true treasures of traveling in Cambodia, as you tour the glistening rice ponds with sugar palm sentinels that allow you to take mental photographs for lasting memories of this exotic land.

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