Cheilitis Natural Cures

Lifestyle Fashion

Angular cheilitis is a very painful and highly visible skin condition in which the corners of the mouth become cracked and injured. Also, the patient may experience chapped lips, in severe cases even the tongue may become infected. However, finding cures for cheilitis that work can often be very difficult, especially if you’re looking for a permanent condition.

A person suffering from low immunity is more likely to be in danger, also people who wear ill-fitting dentures, bite their nails and suck their fingers more often suffer from this disease. However, the most common causes are bacterial and/or yeast infections. Often the cure depends on a cause, for example, if you have a denture that does not fit well, you should replace it and use an antiseptic solution regularly.

People with bad habits like thumb sucking or nail biting etc. You should break these habits as they can cause bacterial and fungal infections. The usual treatments for a bacteria-infected mouth consist of applying a topical cream containing antibiotics, while for a yeast-infected mouth it is recommended to use antifungal and steroid cream. People suffering from chapped lips should apply petroleum jelly, shea butter, cocoa butter, olive oil, coconut oil, unscented lip balms, etc. If a person has a deficiency of vitamins, iron or zinc, an alteration in the diet would be the best way to eliminate cheiliosis permanently, the use of suitable supplements is also very effective.

The Cheilitis cures mentioned above would suffice, although what would really help is a change of habits, a balanced diet and maintaining a high level of personal hygiene. This way one can make sure that Perleche, as this skin disease is also known, does not fight back.

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