Do men like poetry as much as women?


Women often love to read books about all kinds of poetry, from romantic to tragic. But if you look at those recognized for writing the most memorable poems, they come from men. So is there a contradiction brewing when it comes to men and poetry? Are men really pressured to find words that convey their true feelings? Well, if you pay attention to the poetic verses, you will notice that something very deep and necessary is going on. It is so vital to communication that both genders fall prey to its charm. Once you realize this, whether you are a man or a woman, you will appreciate what poetry does for your ability to express yourself. You’ll also be surprised that the gap between the sexes isn’t really that wide. First of all, you should know that poetry is easily accepted by both sexes.

The problem comes from the delivery. If you learn your man’s delivery method, as well as the environment, you will find that he is open to the same written expressions as you are. Poetry has a way of bypassing the reasoning of the mind and goes straight to the heart. Men don’t like the lounge setting that women tend to go to with poetry. You have to sneak up on them. If you make tea and put on background music to help your poem sound better, you’ve already lost the battle. Men like the direct approach. Any poetry that caresses your ego is totally in your favor. You have to let him know that he is the center of attention in your life. Not in a compromise that makes sense. Only you have nothing to worry about in the way of any other man turning your head. As long as you don’t ask him to respond to what you say, he just listens, he will suck every verse you give him.

Men are just as emotional as women. They can show it in another way. They may share it with other men instead of you. But make no mistake about it, you can touch them at their deepest point with the right words. Poetry that keeps a masculine man in his essence is highly accepted by him. He doesn’t want to cry at the end, even though he has to hold back the tears because you revealed to him that you understand his advances. He wants to feel like going into the jungle and killing a lion and skinning it to make you a rug for your favorite room just because you told him how unique he is to you. Men want to know that you appreciate their efforts and that they are, in fact, expressing their masculinity to you. He doesn’t want you to expect him to be moved by your honesty in your feelings towards him. Men don’t like to sit down and read poetry that another man wrote. He wants to hear poetry that was inspired by his act of love and appreciation for you. He doesn’t want to hear how another man’s words moved you to the core of your being. That is his job.

A man can be threatened by poetry written by someone other than the object of his desire. So if you present him with poetry, it has to be personal. It is better that it is not served in book format. Even if you got it from a book, you should rewrite it in your own handwriting and directly tell him how you feel about him. I guarantee you will not reject it. Men use words to express their feelings just like women. They just want to feel safe that the words they share are for your ears only. Because they are. If you write him poetry from the heart, chances are he will respond the same way. No. He will probably take the lion slaughter illustration and tame it a bit. Maybe he’ll buy you something or tell you to indulge in some pleasure at his expense. At that point, you can invite him but not insist that he come. Just show him your gratitude for his gesture. If he feels like he won’t have to go all musky, that will tend to make him feel more comfortable going musky. You just can’t push it.

It might feel like a lot to go through just for a man to spread his love of poetry, but hey, it takes a bit of effort on your part to keep the testosterone in the house.

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