Gender selection tips for a girl or a boy


I believe, and it’s my experience, that you don’t need an expensive gender selection clinic to get pregnant the gender you want. There are several things you can take home to greatly influence your chances of having a boy or a girl. In this article, I’ll provide gender selection tips to help you choose the gender of your baby, whether you’re aiming for a son or a daughter.

What determines if you have a baby boy or a girl: There are so many theories and old wives’ tales about what influences the sex of a baby. But, at the end of the day, it all comes down to this. If a Y chromosome sperm reaches and fertilizes the egg first, you will have a boy. If an X sperm gets the job done first, you’ll have a girl. This may seem like everything is left to chance, but it doesn’t have to be.

This is because X (boy) and Y (girl) sperm behave and react in very different ways. The sperm that would produce a son is super fast but super weak. Because of this, he will win a race, but in order to do so, he must be able to live long enough, which can be difficult. The sperm that produce a daughter are super strong and can live for days, but they are comparatively slow and small. Because of this, she can usually get out of the living boy’s sperm to slowly and calmly get to the egg. So depending on the outcome she wants, she can use each of these scenarios to her advantage.

Timing of conception and ovulation for a boy or girl: When you conceive it can have a big effect on the sex of your baby. There is a basic fertile window in your cycle when your egg can be fertilized by a viable sperm and you can get pregnant. But, the first few days of this cycle will favor a girl, because the boy’s sperm will not live long enough to wait for ovulation. The last few days of this window will favor a kid because this allows these fast guys the best chance to use their speed to get to the egg. The best day of conception for a girl is three days before ovulation. For a boy, that is the day of ovulation.

As you can see, knowing your target ovulation day is extremely important no matter what gender you choose. And I see a lot of women make the mistake of using outdated or guesswork methods like the rhythm method, basal temperature, and trying to measure cervical mucus. From my point of view, the best way to know exactly which day will work for you is to use an ovulation predictor. You can go with urine or saliva, but saliva worked much better for me since I ovulate later in my cycle.

Using the correct sex positions to get the gender you want: Intercourse or sexual positions is probably the most well known and used gender selection advice as it is so easy to understand and implement. If you want a son, use deep penetration so that the Y sperm have a shorter journey. If you want a daughter, use shallow penetration because X sperm can make this long journey quite easily, while Y sperm cannot.

Adjusting your acidity and PH to determine the sex of your baby: So far, we have covered when to send the sperm to the egg and how to send it to the egg. Now, I would like to discuss creating the environment that will be most friendly to the desired gender on the way to the egg. This is of vital importance because the sperm of boys are highly compromised by a high PH. Girl sperm is strong enough not to be bothered by this.

So if you want a girl, you need to raise your acidity and PH to discourage boy sperm. If you want a boy, you’ll need to turn it down and get as alkaline as possible. Doing this will minimize the acidity that can kill male sperm. This is probably the most intimidating gender selection tip for people. This makes me sad because if you follow all the advice except this one, you are not giving yourself the best chance.

This step does not need to be as difficult as we sometimes make it. If you get a PH tester from a health food store, you’ll have a head start because you’ll already know where you’re going. Then simply raise or lower your pH accordingly. You can do this by following a high or low PH diet and showering with the proper solutions. There are resources out there that list the foods and shower items needed and it’s just a matter of following the directions long enough to get the PH reading that shows you’re finally at the optimum level for getting the gender you want.

To give yourself the best chance of having a boy or a girl, you need to address all of these tips. It really isn’t that hard and if you do it correctly you will increase your odds to over ninety percent which is well worth it.

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