Grain storage in silos

Digital Marketing

Cereals are staple foods produced in bulk. Some common cereals are rice, legumes, mustards, cereals, etc. surplus production and off-season crops take up storage space. A silo is a storage arrangement intended to store food grains in bulk. In agricultural terms, it is used to store grains (wet and dry), as well as fermented feed, also called silage.

Types of grain silos

There are several types depending on the need, the cost and the designs. The most common type is the ‘Steel Silo’. The cost of setting up steel or concrete storage is usually higher than the cost of setting up metal container storage.

Some other types of silo are: cement storage, glass reinforced plastic, concrete stave, low oxygen tower, fabric, modular silo, etc.

If you look at the farm / village level, many farm operators cannot handle the investments associated with bulk storage. Therefore, they have developed efficient yet robust storage facilities that function according to need. These alternatives are: jute bags, metal / plastic drums, synthetic storage, ‘Pusa’ bin, ‘Burkino’ silo, etc.

Considerations for choosing a silo

Storage should contain a roof to keep dust and rain out.

The filling system should minimize damage to the grain.

The aeration system must be adequate enough to condition the dry grain.

Your floor must be concrete.

The structure must be in good condition to reinforce sufficient storage.

The walls must control the entry of moisture, while the doors and walls must be airtight to allow forced aeration.

It should contain a discharge system that will extract the beans from the lower center point.

It should be able to protect the grains from insects, rodents, and birds.

Silo storage management

Maintain storage efficiency

It’s all about storage efficiency. A silo operator must perform continuous checks and evaluations to ensure efficiency. Hoop size, grain storage space, pest control measures, cracks, and other technical controls should be evaluated periodically.


All storages are usually waterproof and do not require additional measures. But in case problems arise, moisture sealing techniques such as silicone sealant will be applied.

Silo floors

Floor level should be 8 to 16 inches above outside level to facilitate installation of aeration equipment. Many install 6 “x 6” welded wire mesh to prevent cracks from opening.

The conveyor tube, center hopper, and floor channel for the partial aeration floor system form the foundation of the concrete floor. Therefore, they must be staked rigidly.


Aeration is necessary to maintain the temperature of the grain. Once the given amount of dry grain is defined, the aeration system becomes essential. It has to provide a defined moisture content that regulates the temperature.

Insect control

Use methods such as sanitation, natural resistance, and chemical control to manage rodents and insects. Controlling insects means reducing losses by 20-30% and increasing the market value of grains.

Setting up a gigantic storage is not an easy or cheap task. There are many important and detailed technical details to take into account. You need to have enough experience in the field to have the best system installed.

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