How do true leaders frame the conversation?


Although many factors contribute to the success and / or failure of a particular individual and their leadership, often how a true leader FRAMES conversation makes a difference, in a meaningful and meaningful way. It is essential to put the whole set of behaviors, actions, planning, preparation, etc. in perspective. And so quality leadership is not just about what you do (or not do), but also how stakeholders perceive things! After more than four decades of participation, in almost everything related to effective leadership, from identification and qualification, to training, development and consulting of thousands of real and / or potential leaders, I firmly believe that it is the quality of the combination of activities / actions required, which makes the biggest difference. With this in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. Face the facts; future; destination; faithful; focus: Great leaders consistently focus on getting the best results, and not just turning things around, but making a quality difference for the better! To do so, you must face the facts and view these obstacles as challenges, rather than problems. Rather than view something as inevitable, a great leader realizes that his actions determine destiny, rather than, vice versa! Even in the most challenging moments, one must be faithful to proceed in a relevant and sustainable way, in order to create the best future for the group.

two. Relevant; realistic; trustworthy; answer / responsible: It takes an individual, who prioritizes, relevant, realistic and trustworthy actions, to inspire others, towards greater commitment and participation! Each answer must be, in fact, and perceived as responsible and well considered!

3. Attitude; fitness; articulate; behaviour: Meaningful leaders must proceed, with a realistic but positive attitude, if they can, at all times! This must be combined with a relevant and well-developed aptitude and skill set! How one articulates their plans and, aligning their actions, with their rhetoric / promises, differentiates the best leaders from the rest of the pack!

Four. Make a mark; manage; to motivate: One of the needs of effective leadership is to manage others, in common sense, in a unifying way! How can one make their mark, for the better, unless / until they truly motivate their actual and / or potential constituents, in a focused and commitment-oriented way?

5. Empathy; emphasis; effective; efforts; effects; Excellence: Only when one actually listens and learns from every conversation and experience can he proceed, with genuine empathy, and place his emphasis, where it may be, most – necessary! Efforts only matter when they produce effects, focused on true excellence!

If you want to be a true leader, what will you do to FRAME the conversation? Are you up to the task?

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