How do you clean and disinfect a memory foam mattress?

Lifestyle Fashion

Viscoelastic mattresses have been integrated with a special type of foam. This foam absorbs your body heat and will therefore adapt and adhere to the contours of your body.

There are many tips on how not to clean a memory foam mattress. Before going into the matter of cleaning and disinfecting the mattress, we are going to first find out what not to do with this type of foam.

It’s not

The first thing to keep in mind is not to use anything aggressive on the mattress, such as bleach, borax, or hydrogen peroxide. It might work with other mattresses, but it’s definitely a no-no with a memory foam. Unless you don’t mind mattress discoloration stains, that is.

Also do not soak the foam. I bet my dollar if you do, you’ll have a hard time getting rid of the moisture inside the mattress. Moisture will surely lead to the spread of mold and mildew.

Do not subject the mattress to intense heat in case you have trouble drying it. If you want to dry the surface of the mattress, use a hair dryer on its lowest setting or just leave it in a well-ventilated room.

To do

To clean the mattress, you can sprinkle it with baking soda. First deodorize the mattress and remove stains. For better stain-removing power, mix baking soda with vinegar and add a little water. Spray it on the stains only and let it dry for an hour. Once the stains are gone, vacuum the mattress.

You can also use a mild detergent with antibacterial properties so that it can disinfect the mattress. Simply dissolve the washing powder in water and use the foam to clean the surface of the mattress. This way, you won’t soak the mattress.

Spraying alcohol on the surface of the mattress also helps to disinfect it. Isopropyl alcohol also dries pretty quickly, so there shouldn’t be a problem with this.

Now that you know the do’s and don’ts of your memory mattress, it’s time for some serious cleaning. This mattress costs a lot when you buy it new, so you have to keep it in top condition for a long time. Dedicate a moment of the month to cleaning this mattress and you can save a lot of money on the purchase of a new one.

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