Reduce Holiday Stress: Managing Time and Expectations

Shopping Product Reviews

It’s that time of year again and the holiday displays are up. When you think about the upcoming vacation, does it make you feel anxious or increase your stress? Wondering how you can fit even more into your already busy schedule?

Perhaps the holidays are the busiest time of the year for your business. However, with proper planning and managing your time and expectations, you can still have time to enjoy the holidays (including special moments by the fire or time spent outdoors walking through a winter wonderland)!

How can you do it all without feeling overwhelmed or completely exhausted? Here are some tips that will make this holiday season less stressful and more enjoyable:

  1. Set realistic expectations. As your to-do list begins to grow, watch for unnecessary demands or pressure you place on yourself. Read your to-do list out loud or to a friend; It’s a great reality check. If your friend laughs or shakes their head, you probably have too much on your list. You only have 24 hours in a day! Prioritize. If he doesn’t, he is setting himself up to fail or be disappointed.
  2. plan ahead. Look at your calendar now and calculate how much time you will need for cards, shopping, parties, etc., then schedule them; This way you’re not as likely to overbook and it will prevent you from rushing at the last minute. When you choose to manage your time and your expectations, you release a lot of energy; energy that can be spent laughing and enjoying the season.
  3. Give yourself permission to de-escalate and take shortcuts. Sure, you want everything to be perfect, but maybe “very nice” is fine too. Find ways to achieve a similar effect while spending less time and energy (eg buy fewer gifts, use gift bags instead of wrapping, buy ready-made meals…).
  4. Ask for help. No need to be the Lone Ranger here. Children and spouses can help; assign them chores and responsibilities like helping with meals, cleaning the house, running errands, etc. And, instead of providing all the food yourself, ask those you’ve invited to share by bringing a plate or two.
  5. get enough rest. You may think this is impossible, but it’s not! Remember, when you are tired, you are much more at risk of becoming irritable and impatient. This can put a strain on family relationships and cause you to regret something you said. It’s not worth the risk.
  6. remember to enjoy. Do you want to go non-stop for the next two months? Do you want to be running all the time! I do not think. No one will care if your home isn’t perfect, but they will notice and remember if you look exhausted and uptight. Carry an affirmation with you; it will keep you in a good mood. Create your own; here’s one to get you started: “I choose to enjoy this day and breathe as much as I need to.”

You can enjoy this holiday season! With a little planning and managing your expectations, this holiday season could be the happiest and most relaxing of your life!

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