Sacred love: people become as you treat them

Arts Entertainments

People become how you treat them.

It seems that the road I’m on goes in circles.

that create an ever deeper spiral of growth:

images dissolve and we learn new ways of being,

then we go deeper and see the mistakes in the paths

now we continue, and dissolve those blocks.

Faced with a particular problem, we work something through

only to go around at a later time and face the same problem

at a deeper or more subtle level of its manifestation

in our lives.

We work until we finally dissolve the image.

at its nuclear point in our soul.

Little by little we learn to live life without too many false expectations.

In the unfolding of each real moment we realize ourselves.

As we learn to approach life with gratitude

for what we have been given,

willing to open up to truth and love

In a spirit of trust, life will bring us back

many generous surprises.

And we become one with the circle of life,

receive inspiration

and returning the exhalation

that encourages us all.

People become how you treat them. For example, if a person is called “dumb” over and over again, he will eventually become dumb. If we call a simple person wise, in time he will become wise. If we treat a person romantically, then he becomes romantic. A child who grows up listening to judgments and being told that they are incapable comes to believe that as true. On the other hand, a child who makes mistakes and is encouraged to keep trying, buoyed by small victories, learns to take risks and set high goals. A partner who always listens to complaints will eventually lose their libido. The words we say become the truth that we live, we must be very, very aware.

Higher thinking minds, with higher thoughts, will always attract higher thinking minds. An ordinary mind is attracted to ordinary thoughts. For example, a person who has a habit of criticizing people will very often open his ears to the criticism of others, because that is the subject that interests him. In fact, your comfort level is there. A person entrenched in negative thoughts cannot resist the temptation to listen to another person’s negativity, because this is closer to their heart. The deepest thing is that they also think that way about themselves. There is no escaping that what we do to others, we always do to ourselves. Therefore, if we are complementary and compassionate with others, we engender this towards ourselves.

Chapter 26 Create With Love

When you are inspired by some greater purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their leaps, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in all directions, and you find yourself in a new, big, wonderful world. Dormant strengths, faculties and talents come to life and you discover yourself as a much greater person than you ever dreamed of being.


Manifesting anything without love is totally possible. But never nice. Manifesting a child on this earth, without love is not pleasant, it is a task. Manifesting a business without love, then it becomes a job, not a passion of love. To do anything without love as your center is to manifest with force and emotion, there can be no rest in this heart.

So, love is the center, and its purpose is to expand. Love expands by the act of making things, by creating homes, building families, expanding businesses, imagining new songs. Manifesto is the result of love. All life is about creating and when we create with love, we are living with a purpose.

We may begin to manifest a relationship with love, but challenges can overcome love. We might start with love, but emotions and judgments slip. So we are motivated to manifest things in our relationship instead of love. So people start making babies, raising kids, building houses, collecting friends, because they “have to” make this relationship work. They substitute material things for the love that was meant to be behind their life. So, there is manifestation without love. The love was there, but the problems and challenges have overtaken the love.

The four substitutes for real love in a relationship with your sacred lover are; Spirituality – and the search for a God outside of our relationship. Food and substance, which fills the void that is destined for love. Sexuality – the physical, emotional and sexual escape from real intimacy. Greed – the mindless accumulation of property, assets, and personal goods in an attempt to feel good about being empty, unloved.

Spirituality solves love problems at the source. Instead of putting Band-Aids on problems, substitutes, we actually find what stops a person from doing what is the most important and most natural thing in the world, falling in love. Then we can manifest what we choose, with love. We throw away all the material measures of the quality of a relationship, we are not interested in a relationship of fifty years without love. We wonder how much in love a couple is; I mean really in love, dependent on each other, dedicated to each other. This is the important thing. This is Love. This is what I measure in love.

You make your work part of your relationship. My job is my hobby. My hobbies give me interest outside of my relationship which makes me a better person to be around. I paddle my kayak, I go to Nepal, I do my conferences, I write my books, so that my spirit is alive, my heart is open. And for that, I come into the arms of my awake, alive lover. They bring out the best in me, not the company. My children bring out the best in me, not in my sport. The issue is prioritization. What do you prioritize? My love is my number one, if I’m not in a big space for her then I’m asking for trouble.

Imagine a business. It has 2 employees. He has a profit of $50,000 a year. That is the purpose of a business. Profit. Profit for business is like love for relationships. Now, five years and a lot of hard work later, the company has 40 employees, new buildings, new customers, new computers, what would you expect? Yeah, you’d expect the profit to be higher, because it’s a bigger business now, right? So what if the company has 40 employees and makes the same profit? $50,000 profit? Everyone in the business gets paid more because they have grown in skills, the business consumes more, produces more, but still makes a profit of $50,000. Why do you think that would happen?

Because all the profits have been given to every other element of the business, funneled into buildings, computers, staff, more hours, more travel, everything has received a profit except the business. This business can’t pay its debts, it can’t invest in itself because all the profits leaked into all the “compromises”.

This is what happens when a couple does not cultivate their love and gets distracted by work and children. Substituted relationship. If you measure love between two people by how many kids they have, how many houses they have, how much sex they have, how much fame they have, it’s a heartless frame, not a relationship. It is like measuring the company by the number of employees it has, the turnover or the office space it has. But this is not the soul of a business. The profit, deposited and saved, invested outside the business, is the purpose of the business and gives it legacies to expand. Love in a relationship must expand. Love must also grow and be invested in our hearts. Apart from children, houses, sex, bank accounts, success, vacations, meditation or yoga gurus. Your love is between you and your sacred lover, no matter who they are, they are sacred, it is you who can change.

The reason relationships don’t grow is because couples lack conscience. Yes, people want to feed their egos all the time with how wonderful they are. They really don’t want honesty about how you feel or what you think. So, there is discomfort with discomfort.

Imagine that a company with 2 employees is having trouble keeping track of cash flow. I could find out why and put a system in place to manage it. But imagine if instead of installing a system that can grow with the business, the owners install a system that fixes the problem. They invest in a handmade accounting system to track cash flow. Then the next year the same problem happens because they just “fixed” it, so now they “fix” it again. And so many years later they are still fixing the problem.

Short term thinking is ego thinking. It is the discussion between the human spirit and the ego. The ego wants to fix the problem now. He is only interested in pleasure. If you are hungry, eat. The ego cannot save, learn, improve, or evolve because it only wants short-term solutions to long-term problems. Love is long term. Dreams, visions, hopes and aspirations. The ego must be sacrificed in the short term, for the benefit of love in the long term.

So, in a relationship, if we are loyal to an old family tradition, to old problems, to an old meme, to an old pattern, angry with the past, with the same expectations, with the same beliefs, then that system (the ego ) it freezes. That is not sacred. That’s quick-fix love, stuck in the past and reacting to life. Eventually, we say, “I want more” and blame our lover.

The standard solution to this is to increase the emphasis on substitutes. We start to want more sex, more money, more work, more happiness. We keep the same old process of dealing with our challenges and just look elsewhere to get those “more” things, and maybe for a while we’ll find them. But then that old feeling comes, and we move again. Or we resign ourselves to the fact that relationships, like running a business, are a troubled existence. So we just lay down and accept it, hoping to get to our fiftieth anniversary of engagement in tatters. So we say, “Look how good my children are, how good my life was,” and we point to the children as a result, charging them with what should have come out of your relationship.

Every day there are challenges in your relationship. Every day there is an opportunity to grow in love. Spirituality is not something separate from your relationship, nor is it about materializing and manifesting, that is religion. No, spirituality is the process of growth, of using challenge to come back to truth. Bigger houses is not the truth, more money is not the truth. Love is the truth in relationship. Profit is the truth in business. Spirituality brings you back to this in both. Love is the process of relationship. The relationship can manifest as much as it wants without compromise, as long as the issues are addressed at the level of cause, not resolved at the level of effect.

Then there is the growth. Spirituality is the process of growing your love through problems.

That spiritual process is revealed in nature. Without human interference, the laws of nature reveal the universal beauty of love, and therefore any problem you pass through their guidance will turn from an ego emotion into love. This is the heart of the sacred relationship.


My love for you will never change.

I would have loved you, even if I had never met you.

I know you in my heart, I feel you in my soul, and I have never asked why.

I can’t possess you, my love is more than that.

You can go but you can never go, never die, my love bridges that emptiness.

I know every breath, I smell your skin, I feel your eyes on me.

I expect nothing except that I never forget this sacred Love.

My love is pure, only my expectations can be rejected.

My dream makes your happiness eternal.

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