sexual transmutation

Lifestyle Fashion

The topic of sex has always been interesting, whether it’s positions, procreation, taboo, attraction, jokes, you name it, and it’s never an area of ​​discussion that gets boring and goes away. This has been the case for hundreds of years and will always be so. Why is that?

People in the West do not consider sex to be sacred, and this is demonstrated every weekend in the clubs that young adults frequent. Looking back now, I used to be one of those types of people and let’s just say if I met that person I am today, I would talk to myself a lot! It’s not his fault, and it’s not mine either because I was following the herd back then and it was important to be popular, at least it was for me at the time. People this age and in these social settings will have sex with someone they only know for an hour or two. Fueled by drugs or alcohol, they are encouraged by their peers to cheer them on to score tonight. It’s a really sad situation when I look back. There is no love, only lust. This type of lifestyle is heavily promoted in Hollywood, as well as in the adult film industry, which is focused on making sex just about physical enjoyment, and nothing more. It is this industry that is stealing so much powerful energy from humanity. But it is not like that everywhere.

Eastern people knew the power of sexual intercourse and how it could be a path to heaven, and that sexual energies could be used to connect with God. For these people, sex was something sacred, a bond between two people, a shared love that was capable of magical achievements, and a deeper connection that bound the two people together. The power of sex was understood, but not fully.

When a person’s hormones take over and they feel ‘horny’, people are taught to express that ‘urge’ sexually, through the various avenues they know of. That’s the way it is and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. You only know what you know. The energy that comes from these pulses can be very intense, as I’m sure most people reading this can understand. The key to understanding this is that it is energy, and energy is a tool that can be used in any way you choose. Look at it as power from your outlet, how many different types of devices can be powered through that outlet? If you see where I’m going with this, you can now see the energy of your sexual urges and your sexual urge as if it were the energy of a generator.

When you have a ding-dong with the lady you met one night on the dance floor, you are wasting that energy and it is being used by the dark forces through your connection to the NRG. There’s a lot of that and it’s not really the focus of this article, so I’ll stop here. The sexual energy you are feeling can be used as creative energy in anything you wish to create, be it a work of art, a piece of music, or writing; the possibilities are as endless as your imagination. You are only given a certain amount of energy, so you have to ask yourself if you are using it for useful purposes. The energy can be translated into a powerful force for spirit to work through you. Focus that attention and energy, redirect it, instead of wasting it on someone who may forget you in the morning.

You are the owner of your domain and you can choose how to direct your experience. You were given sexual energies for the purpose of creating life. Really think about it, do you want to create life or throw it away?

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