Texas Hold’em Failure Philosophy


We can evaluate our hand by the following groups:

1. Strong hand: these cards are the combination of cards with which we can always consider ourselves winners. These are mostly flushes, straights, two pairs. Of course, there are exceptions.
2. Marginal Hand: This hand is strong enough and can become the strongest hand in the matchup. Having these cards, as a general rule, before going all-in, we have to consider the following: is it possible that our opponents do not have such strong hands, and yet they risk going all-in? If not, as a general rule. We win the small pot when our opponent folds or we lose the big pot when our opponent calls. These hands usually contain two pair with top kickers or we have a pair and to make three of a kind, we have one of the community cards open.
3. Low Hand – These are hands with almost zero chance of winning at showdown. These are mostly two pair, as well as two pair with top kickers when the flop is dangerous.
4. Draw Combinations – These are hands that are not likely on the flop, but can turn into winners after the turn and river.
5. Garbage: With these cards we have no real odds.

In case our hand is from Group 1, our goal is to make a big pot. In other words, we have to attack no matter how many opponents we have and what our position is. The other possibility is to call or raise, but then it will be difficult to make a big pot. Our strategy must be aggressive.

In case our hand is from Group 3, our goal is to lose less. If we have an opponent, we usually attack on the flop. With two opponents our decision depends on the flop and our position. With three opponents it is preferable to check or fold.

In case our hand is from Group 4 and we have already attacked pre-flop, it is better to attack during the Fop or even bet or raise, especially if we have strong draw combinations (eleven or more outs).

In case our hand is from Group 5, the best action is to check or fold.

The most complicated situation is when our hand is from Group 2. Having an opponent, we always continue the attack. With three opponents and a dangerous flop, you must be ready to fold after your opponents counterattack. It is considered a mistake to play all-in with these hands when one or more opponents respond to our raise pre-flop. With two opponents, we always attack on the flop if we attack preflop, but after that we have to be very careful. If you are convinced that most of your opponent’s hands are low, you should definitely play aggressively.

This game is a combination of skill and knowledge and not everyone is good at it.

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