Why is pheromone replacement necessary?


Human pheromones are natural hormones secreted by your body on the surface of your skin. What is secreted is a mixture of hormones, most of which are andostene or copulin. Each person secretes their own mix of various hormones in a formula, or “signature,” that is unique to them. Ideally, our pheromones should be secreted at high levels and allowed to accumulate on the surface of our skin. In adequate amounts, pheromones communicate information about ourselves to the people around us, such as our mood, our intellectual domain or our sexual receptivity. Pheromones are responsible for creating that magnetism, charisma, or sex appeal that others “see” in us and feel attracted to.

When our pheromones are not present on our skin in adequate amounts, their subconscious effects on others are not realized. We don’t project our mood or personality to others clearly, we don’t engage their attention as fully, and we don’t leave a lasting impression. When we see men and women who attract others to themselves, who are easily convinced to adopt their ideas, or who are particularly desired by the opposite sex, it is likely that they are naturally high pheromone producers or that they are using pheromone sprays. When we work, socialize, or date without adequate pheromone presence, we do not effectively exude confidence, force others to agree with us, or sexually attract the partners we desire. In this situation, it is difficult to compete with the high pheromone producers both in our work and social life. There are a number of reasons why you may be among the majority requiring pheromone replacement:

You are biologically insufficient.

Just as not everyone is born with a perfect complexion, not everyone produces pheromones in optimal amounts. Pheromone production among men and women falls within a wide range, with only a small percentage of people producing enough pheromones (or more than they need) to benefit from its subconscious effects. The same biological variation that exists between a short person and a tall person is present when comparing the pheromone production of two people. That is why many of us feel that we are missing a certain “something” that someone else has.

You don’t sweat enough or clean too thoroughly.

Pheromones are secreted by our sweat glands and in the sebaceous gland oils that reside deep within the pores of our body. Larger amounts of pheromones are released in our armpits and pubic areas. When we produce more sweat, for example when we exercise or when we are sexually aroused, the pheromone secretion increases and sends stronger signals to those around us. Some of us may naturally sweat very little, while others (due to work or illness) lead sedentary lives that don’t give us a chance to sweat. In these cases, the presence of pheromones in the skin is insufficient. Furthermore, modern culture is particularly concerned with hygiene, and it is not uncommon for people to shower or bathe several times in a day. Because of this, even the most active men and women lack optimal amounts of pheromones because they wash off well after generating sweat. Unless you are a naturally high producer of pheromones, our clean crop does not allow for proper deposition and buildup of pheromones in your skin layer.

You wear deodorant or antiperspirant.

If you’re someone who generates a lot of sweat or body odor, there’s a good chance you’re masking it with a deodorant or antiperspirant. If this is the case, you are also masking the effects of the pheromones you are emitting. While it is often necessary to control our odor or keep our shirts from getting dirty in our workplace, doing so sacrifices the positive effects of the pheromones we produce. Deodorants and antiperspirants can break down pheromones or block pores from emitting the sweat and oils that carry our pheromones to the skin’s surface. Again, this can be easily corrected by replacing the missing pheromones with a pheromone spray.

Have had laser hair removal or shaving frequently.

Our body hair not only contributes to the production of sweat and body heat (such as in the armpits and pubic areas), but also serves to carry secretions from the pores to the surface of the skin. Hair is a vital supply system for the moisturizing oils and pheromones that our glands produce. When we shave frequently or remove hair completely, we cut off this delivery system. Laser hair removal has become very popular and has provided an aesthetic solution for those with unwanted hair. Unfortunately, the treatment also removes the means by which pheromones are efficiently delivered to the skin’s surface. This is particularly detrimental in areas such as the armpits and pubic area, where many people opt for laser hair removal and where the largest amounts of pheromones are secreted. If you have had any type of laser hair treatment or shave frequently, pheromone replacement will be necessary to overcome this side effect.

How Pheromone Replacement Works

While it’s true that you can’t replace your exact pheromone signature, you can produce the same subconscious effects by using a supplemental pheromone spray. One of the most intriguing aspects of pheromone science is that any particular pheromone will always produce the same effect on anyone exposed to it. That means you can choose the subconscious signal you want to send by choosing a pheromone spray that contains the hormones that produce that effect. If you want to project an image of intellectual mastery that will help you in your career aspirations, there is a particular combination of hormones in spray form that can complement your image in this way. If you want to attract sexual partners by increasing your charm and making it more memorable after encounters, there is also a pheromone spray that can help you.

Ultimately, pheromone replacement helps you in both your work and social life by improving your influence and impression on others. Pheromone sprays send the signals you want to project and produce immediate results that can drastically affect your lifestyle. Preparations in your work and social life must include a pheromone replacement spray if you want to have maximum impact and achieve your goals.

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