The cheapest stun guns: comparison of five of the best brands

Shopping Product Reviews

Unless you read it somewhere, you don’t know how many different types of stun guns there are. Once you start looking, you’ll see that there are literally hundreds of different brands from probably as many different manufacturers. In those brands there are thousands to choose from at all sorts of price points and horsepower capabilities etc. It can be a bit intimidating.

We’re comparing the cheapest stun guns from the top five stun device brands. It’s no secret that manufacturers design stun tools for women and for female self-defense. The reason is clear. Women are victims of violence in 90% of cases. Therefore, they need all the help they can get when it comes to self-defense.

Here we take a look at the cheapest stun guns and compare five of the best brands. When comparing them, you will notice that almost all of them have a pink model for women’s self-defense and women’s stun devices.

1. The Immobilizer brand specializes in stun devices that look like cell phones. One is an impressive 5,000,000 volt model, another is pink at 900,000 volts. They have lifetime warranties and are only 4 inches tall. Both have safety switches to prevent accidental firing. A cover is included to generate value.

2. All Zap brand stun guns have molded rubber grips for easy and comfortable handling. Most have built-in wrist straps and all have an on/off safety switch to prevent premature discharge. The most famous models are the Knuckle Blaster stun tool that can be used in the hand and the double trouble stunner with a unique design of double sets of probes on the end.

3. Streetwise Stun Devices offers 20 different models that have lifetime warranties. Many have built-in alarms for dual non-lethal personal defense. They feature the world’s most powerful stun gun at 5,000,000 volts and the smallest at 3.25 inches tall. Most of their stun devices have the famous deactivation pin wrist strap that essentially prevents the stun gun from being used on you in case the assailant takes it from you.

4. Guard dog stun tools are a relatively new entry in the field of self defense products. All models are rechargeable with a pop-up plug saving you money and ensuring your stun device works at peak efficiency. There’s even a pink model that appeals to women for female self-defense.

5. And last but not least, there are the Stun Master stunners. They, along with Streetwise, are the most respected names in stun devices. All of their products used for non-lethal self-defense carry a lifetime guarantee which is an indication of the level of quality. They offer perhaps the largest selection of stun devices. The simulator is an example of a camera cell phone that is one of the most innovative products of recent years. At 4.5 million volts, it is also one of the most powerful.

That’s a comparison of five of the leading brands of the cheapest stun guns used for female self-defense.

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