The secrets of the law of attraction are changing lives around the world


The secrets of the law of attraction have changed lives around the world since Rhonda Byrne released ‘The Secret’, a film that has a companion book in 2004. Byrne, an Australian woman, made ‘The Secret’ because it had recently arrived. . from a series of personal and professional misfortunes and had been inspired to pick up the pieces and change his life by finding a book published in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles entitled ‘The Science of Getting Rich’.

In his amazing book on how to create abundant wealth, Wallace D. Wattles says that getting rich rarely happens by chance. There is a science behind this, and this science, once known, can be applied by anyone, anywhere. As long as this law of attraction of wealth is fulfilled, a person who is not so smart, or even so talented, can become rich; Whereas if very smart or talented people don’t follow the secrets of the law of attraction that pertain to wealth attraction, they will never get rich. The law will work for anyone no matter how good or bad they are as well. (Although the way a good person uses their money will be very different from how a bad person uses it.)

Wattles makes it clear that to get rich, a person does not have to “work hard and sacrifice a lot” in the way that is normally supposed to lead to great wealth. Instead, a person must do things in what he calls “a certain way.” This True Path is the secret to agreeing with the law of attraction of wealth. Rhonda Byrne was deeply inspired after reading only the first few pages of ‘The Science of Getting Rich’.

“Something inside me made me turn the pages one by one, and I can still remember my tears hitting the pages as I read it. He gave me a glimpse of The Secret and it was like a flame inside my heart.” says Rhonda Byrne about the first time she started reading “The Science of Getting Rich.” She was clearly drawn in a certain direction.

Over the next two months, Rhonda Byrne discovered that this Secret is contained in all great religions, great scientific advances, great inventions, and the words of the great philosophers and highly successful businessmen throughout all of recorded history, that it goes back thousands of years. years. He realized that what he had now discovered were the secrets of the law of attraction. Hence, he gave his film the title ‘The Secret’.

The law of attraction says that everything that we hold firmly and deeply in our mind, over time becomes our daily reality. It says that imagination precedes experience and creates all of our core experiences in life and the world around us. Nor is it about twists of perception. It is not about illusions or delusions. The secrets of the law of attraction must be taken literally. They are not “magic”, but they work as such. If you have thoughts of need, poverty and loss of money, you will do things one way, and in that way you will reject the money of your life. The money will pass you by without being attracted to you. When you get some money, it will run away quickly. But if you create and hold thoughts and mental images of yourself getting richer and richer, you will do things that Certain Way, and money will start to fly to you, and in time it will fly to you in ever greater abundance and ceaselessly. . increasing the ease on your part. This is also true for attracting other things into your life, such as excellent health or satisfying relationships.

Many successful people who are living examples of how to make the secrets of the law of attraction work appeared in ‘The Secret’, and one of them is Bob Proctor. Proctor is a philosopher and rich. He is also a life coach who has been working in the field of mental potential for over 40 years, having discovered the law of attraction on his own in the early 1960s as a struggling young man. He has produced a CD, book and DVD called ‘The 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction’, a program he put together after his appearance on ‘The Secret’ to help people develop the details to fully understand the secrets of the law of attraction and how to use the law of attraction of wealth in your daily life.

Why not see if learning the secrets of the Law of Attraction can make a big difference in your life? What do you have to lose … except your old way of life?

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