Warm-ups – Don’t do them

Arts Entertainments

Don’t be fooled by the title Warm-ups are a key factor in any athletic or general fitness program.

However, that says a lot of people go to their physical therapy session or to their coach and get the swamp standard, “warm up on the treadmill for ten minutes” or “run five laps” every time they have a session.

Warm-ups are a key factor in any program, as is cool-down, and should always be done despite time constraints. Don’t neglect your warm-up, as it is probably just as important as the outcome of your session.

Warm-ups can take a few forms, but the general consensus is that they should be:

Specific task

Prepare the body for the next workload

Prepare yourself psychologically

Increases heart rate and blood flow.

So does the lightweight treadmill warm-up or the bike warm-up fit the basic criteria? The simple answer is no.

Your warm-up should be about the following:

SMR- Foam Rolling (myofascial self-release)

Activation – dynamic movement

ROM- range of motion

The use of a ball, stick, or roller activates myofascial muscle fibers allowing feedback from tight areas and potential problems arising in the muscles.

Dynamic activation further prepares the body by stimulating increased CNS, blood flow, and heart rate, to name a few.

Dynamic activation leads to a greater range of motion in the muscle groups that prepare the body for the workload.

By performing a detailed warm-up using the method described above, we initiate a sequence of events within the body, allowing us to:

Prepare the muscles

Prevent injuries

Increase blood flow

Promote muscle flexibility.

Increase muscle flexibility.

Heating sample

Full-body foam roll including vertical and sagittal X-roll of muscles.

Rotational half squats

1b band of monsters walks

1c ninja gang rides

1d walking lunges with rotation

2nd diagonal wood chipper (mb) left

Diagonal wood chipper 2b (mb) right

2c wood chopper (mb)

2d around the world (mb)

3rd glute picks

Ankle spikes 3b

3c can opener

3d leaning on rotating windmill

Repeat the previous warm-up two more times, do not include the foam in subsequent series.

Every time you warm up, apart from the foam rolling, which should always be done first, start at a different point in the routine, this ensures that the body always adapts to the new stimuli and, therefore, promotes the activation of the muscles.

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