What seduces men

Arts Entertainments

If you want to get to the core of seduction and why men fall for certain types of women, you’ll see something in action that makes men’s hearts rise like thunder in the presence of certain types of women. What makes the man feel on fire is the woman who wakes him up with the presence of her potentiality.

This awakening makes him see her as a potential marriage partner. It’s a surge of energy that also allows you to see her own greatness. And seeing her own greatness, he also sees how great she is.

For a man to be truly seduced, he has to see himself in you. He has to see the image of his likeness, the reflection of him in your aura and by reaching out to you, he is actually reaching himself.

How do you go about cultivating this energy within you that sends a man to his own awakening? You have to wake up. You have to stop sleeping. You have to get out of the dream you’re in.

The ugly dream that you are no bigger than your current circumstances. The nightmare that you are powerless and cannot see yourself happy.

The illusion that you will never “have”, “be” or “do”

Wake up from that dream and you will have the power to wake up men. The dream relationship you want cannot be made with the thoughts and feelings of your current illusion. All you will be creating is a constant nightmare.

Aside from waking up, it’s leaving dead things behind. If you want life to exist in your relationship with men, you must leave lifeless forms behind. Lifeless ways are deep-seated false beliefs or deep-seated feelings of bitterness, resentment, anger, unforgiveness, and pain around men and relationships.

Begin to PURGE yourself of any emotions that remind you of pain with men. Get rid of the PAIN feelings – do it so you can wake up.

Stop talking about your PAIN, you only keep it alive by talking about it. If you talk about your pain, all men will see is a WOMAN IN HURT, even if you don’t talk about it with them. This is because pain has an energy that can be felt and you feed it by holding on to it or talking about it.


When you begin to let go, you begin to lighten the load and begin to cultivate the power. Men will notice it in your way of speaking, in your smile, in your presence. They will feel your awakening and wake you up. This awakening will allow you to get out of the box. It will make men see your strength, your confidence, your power, your inner beauty. Your gestures will change and you will have a glow around you that will illuminate you. You can’t afford to stay in the cave any longer, your time to be a whole woman is now.


Get in there and stop trying to seduce men from the outside with your behavior. It will have very little power. You can learn to flirt and still have no power. Your power is within. it is letting go of things that are powerless.

It is aligning itself with the truth about you, not the lies that are fixed in your mind and constantly make you unhappy with your relationships. Let go of even one thing today. Don’t believe in the fear that you can’t or that it will make men right and you wrong. Don’t believe the lies that any man owes you respect or even an apology.

To go big is to understand that within you, within the truth of who you are, you have no need to be owed or to be apologized for. This is going big, creating seduction and cultivating the qualities that make men fall in love.

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