Wingsurfing – What is it?


What is Wingsurfing?

Wingsurfing is a new “extreme” sport that uses the power of the wind in a hand wing to propel the rider off a Dirtsurfer or mountainboard. Cyclists can reach speeds of over 40 mph, yet they can turn into or away from the wind in the same way that a windsurfer does. Add to this, freestyle tricks and jumps, and you will soon find that windsurfing is not only great fun, but being a new sport, we are only scratching the surface of the moves and tricks.

What is a kitewing?

The Kitewing looks like a cross between a windsurfing sail and a hang glider. Designed in Finland, the Handheld Kitewing is available in 3 sizes from 3.5 to 5.5 square meters and was originally designed for ice skaters. Apparently wind powered ice skating has been an activity in Finland for many years, however the Kitewing is a modern design, using modern technology. Its beauty is in its power. Like a wing, and with more than 8 or 9 mph wind, it literally flies. In your hands it may seem weightless, but the idea is to generate energy. This power is achieved simply by adjusting the angle of the wing against the wind. If you are a windsurfer, you will understand this almost immediately, and soon you will also realize that the power can be forward (pulling force) or upwards (lift).

The next is …

What are you doing with all this power?

Although the Kitewing was originally designed for ice skaters, in recent years its use has expanded to snowboards, skis, inline skates, roller blades, mountain boards, and Dirtsurfers. What you use will depend on your environment and conditions.

Wingsurfing in the UK generally uses a Dirtsurfer (a single in-line 2-wheel board) or a mountain board, as it is often used by power kiters or All-Terrain-Boarders (downhill).

What is a Dirtsurfer?

The Dirtsurfer is another wonder, designed in Australia as a summer alternative to snowboarding; It’s a 2-wheel (in-line) board that doesn’t look like anything else. It has two 16 or 20 inch wheels and a platform on which the rider stands (with or without footstraps). Riding is achieved simply by tilting the board in the same way a skateboarder or snowboarder does, making it possible to mimic the fluid carvings that are typical of a snowboard or surfer. Some riders use them solely for descending (on or off road) with recorded speeds of 74 mph (120 km / h), others combine them with the power of a Kitewing or PowerKite.

Where I can go?

In the UK we are fortunate to have some great beaches, but on many, especially in the busy summer months, wind sports may not be allowed. So you better check first. (see forum). If you’re a speed freak and have a decent onshore wind, a large (compact) empty beach, a Kitewing, and a Dirtsurfer, you can easily find yourself doing 30mph or more. The most popular beaches in Wales are Llangennith on Gower (north of the creek), Abberavon (Port Talbot) or many of the great beaches on the west coast. In fact, any beach where power kiters fly. Like power kiters, you will need to travel / fly with consideration with other users in mind. There are also cyclists found at Camber Sands on the south coast.

How fast can you go?

Using a Kitewing as power, the fastest speed recorded is currently 48.7 MPH on a South Wales beach. The current goal is to exceed 50 mph.

The fastest descent speed recorded with a Dirtsurfer is 120KPH

I can jump?

Kitewing gives you considerable elevation, so it is not uncommon to get some air. The height and distance you go depends on the wind and your weight, some cyclists can jump several feet without the help of a kicker; With a kicker, this can be greatly enhanced.

How do I stop?

Almost all (except the very old) Dirtsurfers have calf-operated brakes that the rider reclines on. This activates a disc or caliper brake on the rear wheel.

Where can I see one or try it?

It is best to visit the forum at and join one of the regular meetings. Most motorcyclists are more than happy to let you go fast with some basic instructions. If you have practiced a wind sport before, you will probably have an advantage, if you have practiced surfing or snowboarding, it will probably be easier than you expected.

Where can I find more information?

The best place to start is at, a website run by motorcyclists. There are many videos, tips and advice and a great friendly forum.

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