10 high-protein foods vegetarians should include in their diets

Health Fitness

If you are a vegetarian looking for suggestions on how to include protein in your diet, you should often encounter looks of disbelief and standard answers like, “Why don’t you start eating eggs?” A lot of vegetarian foods come with high amounts of protein to help you lead a healthy lifestyle without having to seek help at the egg counter.

Here are 10 high-protein foods for you that can help you build muscle strength, promote satiety, and enable weight loss.

  1. seitan

Made from gluten, seitan is a known protein source for both vegetarians and vegans. It is also known as wheat meat or wheat gluten as it matches the texture and consistency of the meat when cooked. Each 100g serving of Seitan contains 25g of protein. It also contains selenium and small amounts of iron, calcium, and phosphorus. You can fry it, sauté it, or grill it to incorporate it into a recipe of your choice. However, if you are gluten sensitive or suffer from celiac disease, you should avoid Seitan.

  1. greek yogurt

Greek yogurt differs from regular yogurt by a straining process that removes whey, a liquid that contains lactose which is a natural sugar found in milk. This means that Greek yogurt has a lower concentration of sugar than regular yogurt. Contains calcium, protein, probiotics, iodine, and vitamin B-12. A cup of Greek yogurt has 23 grams of protein. Thanks to its high protein content, it can help improve bone health, reduce appetite and hunger, boost metabolism, improve intestinal health, among other benefits.

  1. tofu

If you are opting for a vegetarian diet to meet your body’s protein requirements, soy products may be your best option. The origins of tofu go back to China. It is made from the condensation of soy milk, which is then pressed into solid white blocks. Tofu is a food rich in protein and it also contains all the essential amino acids, important for your body. A 100 gram serving of tofu contains 8 grams of protein. Besides being rich in protein and a number of healthy nutrients, tofu can also protect you against various health conditions, such as heart problems, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.

  1. Tempeh

Tempeh, a traditional Indonesian food, is made from fermented soybeans. With a pretty impressive portfolio of nutrients, it’s a popular meat replacement for vegetarians. In a 2014 study, 20 obese men were given a high-protein diet that included soy- or meat-based proteins. After 14 days, it was observed that both diets led to weight loss, reduced appetite, and increased fullness with no significant differences between the two protein sources. An 84 gram serving of tempeh comes with 15 grams of protein. A cup of tempeh contains about 2/3 of the calcium found in a cup of whole milk. Since it undergoes fermentation, the phytic acid found in soybeans breaks down, facilitating absorption and digestion.

  1. Lentils

A protein powerhouse, lentils are grown in pods and are available in red, green, black, and brown varieties. 100 g of cooked lentils contain 9.02 g of protein. Consuming it can reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and promote healthy skin and hair, reduce weight, and increase energy. An inexpensive source of protein, lentils can also make up for folate and manganese in your daily nutritional requirements. With a host of recipes that can be used to make lentils, they are without a doubt the most versatile protein-rich vegetarian food that can help you tick off your daily health wish list.

  1. edamame

Edamame are immature soybeans, also known as vegetable soybeans. They are green in color and can be added to soups, salads, stews or simply eaten as a snack. One cup or about 155 g of edamame comes with 18.5 g of protein. In addition to being a rich source of protein, it can also be instrumental in lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risks of heart disease and improving the blood lipid profile. With a low carb count and glycemic index, it is a perfect snack for those who are also trying to control their blood sugar levels.

  1. Garbanzo beans

Native to the Mediterranean and the Middle East, chickpeas are also known as chickpeas. A cup of cooked chickpeas comes with 15 g of protein. They are also excellent sources of carbohydrates, iron, fiber, folate, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, and a host of other beneficial nutrients. It has also been shown in several studies that a diet rich in chickpeas can help lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar, and can even help reduce belly fat. Selenium, a mineral found in chickpeas, helps your liver enzymes work properly and can also detoxify some cancer-causing compounds in your body.

  1. Chia seeds

1 tablespoon of chia seeds contains 3 g of protein. Chia seeds are small black seeds and come from the Salvia hispanica plant. Its rich protein content is complemented by an impressive presence of nutrients. They include high counts of fiber, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and several other micronutrients. All the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fiber, which the human body does not digest. Fiber does not raise blood sugar, and it does not need insulin to get rid of. Chia seeds contain 40% fiber, making them one of the best sources of fiber in the world.

  1. Misery

Rich in protein, packed with healthy fats, and known to improve heart health, peanuts can be an easy way to pack on protein in your body. Half a cup of peanuts contains about 20.5 g of protein. They are a low carbohydrate food, so they are perfectly healthy for diabetics. An excellent source of protein and minerals such as biotin, copper, niacin, manganese, phosphorus, vitamin E, and magnesium, peanuts can easily be incorporated into your daily diet as a snack or as part of a routine meal.

  1. Nutritional yeast

Nutritional yeast is sold commercially as yellow flake powder. Its cheesy flavor can be combined very well with mashed potatoes or scrambled tofu. It can also be sprinkled over pasta or enjoyed as a savory topping on popcorn. A 28-gram serving of nutritional yeast contains 14 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber. Several studies have shown that S. cerevisiae, the yeast found in nutritional yeast, can help build immunity and can also reduce inflammation that occurs as a result of a bacterial infection. It can be a great food to help you fight brittle nails or hair loss, thanks to its high concentration of protein.

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